The Moon in Pisces opposes Venus in Virgo which encourages peace and harmony and could help smooth over any ongoing difficulties.
If we enjoy creative activities then our work could benefit from a range of imaginative ideas, giving our projects extra sparkle. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 26th July 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 26th July 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Need to say something? The lingering Mercury/Pluto link can give you the determination to strike up a conversation. A matter may shift as a result, and things might never be quite the same again, whether this relates to a big or small issue. But it could clear the air and pave the way for bigger and better things. And you’ll have the time and space for new plans and projects, Aries.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Replacing one idea with a better one is the way to go. If you’re attached to it, you may be reluctant to give it up. What you need is proof that the newer version will deliver something more impressive. If you’re hanging on to a plan through fear of change, ditching it could be the best thing you do. Once you are persuaded and see the benefits, then nothing will shake you.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Positive lunar ties could inspire you to try out new ideas that can be different from anything you have attempted before. You might be going out on a limb, but the coming days may reinforce your feeling that something fresh is better than tired habits that can be getting you nowhere. If your curious side encourages you to learn a new skill, it could take things to the next level, Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The way you see someone will affect the way you interact with them, Cancer. If you’re in the habit of mentally criticising them, your relationship won’t be as positive as if you can accept them as they are. You may realize this today, as an intense aspect could bring this issue to a head. It might be wiser and easier to agree to disagree, and to accept that they think differently to you.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Ready to clear a space for new developments, Leo? Don’t hesitate for too long, as you might lose the desire to make changes. If you’re tired of a project or job that brings you no pleasure, then what are you waiting for? This sense of discontent may be your soul letting you know that you are on the wrong track. Take steps now to make things different and embrace new options.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With lovely Venus encouraging you to connect and collaborate, the coming weeks can find you eager to liaise and to take advantage of the resulting opportunities. Plus, as Mars prepares to move into your sign later this week, you may feel a tad restless as this vital energy inspires you to great things. If brilliant ideas start to flash into your mind, take the best one and run with it.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A new gadget or way of doing things, could revitalize your day and give you more time for other interests, especially those you enjoy. If you can take a short-cut to getting what you want, then go for it. And once you make a start, you might see other areas where improvements may be made. The key is to simplify your life, and make it easier and more pleasant to live through each day.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
There continues to be a focus on leisure activities, including involvement in creative hobbies and pastimes. If you’re skilled at a certain art, craft or have other abilities, then linking up with those who share your interests can be very enjoyable. But this phase is also about connecting with the more playful side of your nature, and doing things because you get a lot of pleasure out of them.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Is someone taking you for granted? If so, you might want to say something if this has been ongoing for a while. An intense but temporary influence, could leave you feeling miffed that they never seem to do much for you in return. If you’ve helped someone out a lot, it may be time to be less easy-going and to ask for payment or other recompense, as you surely deserve it, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
This can be a good time to address an issue that you may have tended to avoid. With Mercury making a lingering link to Pluto in your sign, it's an opportunity to resolve any misunderstandings and find peace. Bringing this matter into the open could allow you and others to decide what to do. If you want to change things for the better, then start that conversation.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The Moon’s link to Uranus, may coincide with finding a bargain that you absolutely must have. If it’s the perfect item to compliment your culinary efforts, or perhaps some other gadget that will save you time, you might jump at it. Need to make a difficult decision? If it’s important, it’s best to get it over and done with, Aquarius. Leaving it for another day won’t help you feel better.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Does a matter need attention? It may not be anything urgent, and could even be something quite positive, but it might require thought before you make a start. The coming days can be excellent for tapping into the knowledge and experience of others, and gathering hints and tips. What you come away with could help you chart a sound course that sees you being victorious, Pisces.