With seductive Venus moving into ambitious Capricorn from late tonight this influence can see us keen to liaise with those who have power and authority.
This might not be a conscious choice but it might see us forging connections with those who are useful to us in some way. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 25th November 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 25th November 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You'll be eager to explore new terrain and keen to grasp fresh opportunities. Even so, the Moon in secretive Scorpio and its tie to ethereal Neptune, can encourage a cautious energy and might find you less willing to discuss your moves. There may be more than one way to accomplish something important, but avoid rushing when a considered approach can work out much better.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With thoughtful Mercury angling towards Neptune in your social sector, you may feel compassion for a friend who you sense is going through a difficult time, and be keen to reach out and help them. And this can make all the difference to them Taurus. It could also be good for you too, if it enables you to put aside an issue that has overly consumed your attention of late.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Mercury linking to Neptune in the topmost sector, can inspire you to make some big claims. Give some thought to this though Gemini, as other energies suggest that you could promise too much or perhaps overestimate your ability to deliver. In fact, it may be better not to go solo but to invite others to help you, as with their assistance your super-efficient side can triumph.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You might find yourself yearning to get away from everyday tasks and to visit places that allow you a chance to unwind. Such thoughts could prove enticing and encourage you to daydream. You may also be involved in something enjoyable Cancer, and where you are eager to make progress. You can't do both at once, so putting your priorities first might help to resolve this.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Although the Moon in a private sector can heighten emotions, it is what you do about them that might make all the difference. Where you direct your attention can either help or hinder Leo. You could dwell on how something you want isn't happening fast enough, and feel miffed. But if a golden opportunity shows up, this can push all other considerations out of the way for now.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The Moon in your sector of communication can enhance a mystical influence that is presently building, and this might alter your perspective on a key relationship, making the person in question seem very desirable and almost perfect. However, it could be a mistake to base thoughts of the future on this ideal vision of them, as they might appear to change before your eyes.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may make a promise for heartfelt reasons, but then realise your mistake. Would this leave you feeling guilty? If so, you could go ahead, even if it means a sacrifice. If this has happened once too often though, a more volatile aspect can kick in, encouraging you to be honest about your mistake and setting a precedent for the future. You don't have to be so nice that it causes regret.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
While you may have regular commitments to attend to, you could be swept up in a wave of idealism and hope regarding an idea that captures your heart and soul. Just thinking about it could leave you feeling better about life, and about the possibilities open to you Scorpio. It may be wise to get practical assurances to back all of this up though, and so avoid disappointment.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The Moon in a secluded zone makes some key aspects that could see you keen to find closure on a certain matter. For this though, you may need to take time out from what could be a hectic day, when much may be required of you. It may be worth it Archer, as certain insights could prove so inspiring that you are able to resolve this matter much sooner, and with so much less hassle.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
It is possible that you may be being rather hard on yourself Capricorn, and perhaps blaming yourself for things that are not your fault. It might seem that it is though, if you are looking from a more judgmental perspective. The focus on your spiritual zone encourages you to cut yourself some slack. You can't be perfect all the time and neither should you expect to be, so go easy.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
While you may be impatient to get moving on something, timing can be everything Aquarius. If you hurry a project or plan, you may get where you want to go, but at what cost? The outcome might be nothing like you are hoping for. Instead, be prepared to listen to your instincts and allow the flow of synchronicity to guide your decisions, as this could make it everything you dream of.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The coming days can see you ready to make a leap of faith, and to commit to an inspiring idea that appeals on a very heartfelt level. This could be an opportunity to move in a fruitful direction, and yet it might remain a dream unless concrete steps are taken Pisces. In this regard, someone's support can be invaluable and can make a vital difference. If they offer to help, your horoscope suggests you agree to it.