The Moon in Aries making a positive link to Saturn can see us taking a rational and sober approach to our plans and projects.
And, should we encounter any snafus, we may be more likely to persevere. Failing that we may be drawn to someone with experience to help us out. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 25th July 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 25th July 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
With the Moon in your sign and an upbeat Mercury Uranus tie developing, you may feel inspired to push beyond your limits. Even though the continuing Saturn Neptune link might have undermined confidence over recent weeks, the desire to nudge forward, even if only inch by inch, could be strong. In fact, once you take that first step everything should get a lot easier. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Consider paying attention to any intuitive nudges, as they may gift you with insights into a personal issue you've been seeking to resolve for some while. Mind, the coming week could also help you understand the part you may have played in this, and what can be done to resolve things. Should it be a family issue, perhaps the first step should be a heartfelt conversation.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You may be animated by new ideas now and over coming days which if implemented could help you make progress with a desirable goal. However, although you might feel an urge to experiment on your own, you might do better to liaise with others or ask for help. Your horoscope suggests friends could be ready to advise you of any pitfalls, enabling you to move ahead with fewer glitches.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The Aries Moon can leave you empowered and keen to see whether an idea of yours will work. Even so, links to Saturn and Venus may encourage you to think about the cost, both in terms of money and time. However, if you can put aside a desire to start immediately and instead do some planning and research, the whole process could be smoother and more enjoyable.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Anything offbeat could intrigue you, especially if it brings opportunities to mull over inspiring ideas. This can also be an excellent time to tackle an issue that you may have been unable to resolve using tried and trusted methods. In fact, an electrifying conversation with someone could provide the necessary information to help you sort it out once and for all, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As Mercury aligns with Uranus you could find certain responsibilities more trying than usual. And when it comes to home and family affairs, certain tasks may appear to be sapping your energy, perhaps causing you to want to walk away from them. Try to reflect on what's really bothering you Virgo, for it might be because you're trying to do too much on your own.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The present alignment can encourage you to be honest with those you're closest to. If you've kept something to yourself and decide to share it, others could find your news surprising. Even so, the Moon's link with Saturn in your sector of talk and thought suggests that a cautious and sensitive approach may be the most productive way to get your message across.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A desire to speed ahead could see you thinking up ways to do more in less time. However, although a lunar tie to Saturn could add a note of caution, don't dismiss ideas that might be opportunities in the making. A compromise between progress and security could allow you to ponder over a great idea that might succeed with the necessary planning and research.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The Moon's connection with Venus in your sector of far horizons can see you eager to explore a relationship with someone who lives in another country, or who is from a different culture. This isn't necessarily a romantic bond either, although it could be. What seems most important is what you learn from your conversations, as they could widen your outlook somehow.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
With the Sun, Mercury and Venus in your sector of transformation, this can be a good time to take stock of why you may feel stuck and what you might do to bring about the circumstances you desire. In fact, changing the outer picture may not be the first requirement, as the ability to look at this issue from a number of different angles could go part way to resolving it.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Social events could bring lively and interesting people into your life with something special to share. If you want one connection to continue Aquarius, you might need to work harder at it, as it might fade unless given more time. Mind, the current set-up can bring many opportunities to make new friends and associates, many of whom could be valuable to you in the future.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The ongoing Saturn Neptune tie suggests you might need to interact with people who you don't feel very comfortable with. Nevertheless, you may have no option, especially professionally. Whether you need to sort out a matter that requires professional expertise or have to liaise with someone in authority, try to separate your emotions from the situation.