As the Moon in Aries aligns with Venus in Aquarius, this wonderful light-hearted aspect can be excellent for get-togethers and social events.
We might also feel emboldened to reach out and strike up a new relationship that could have positive repercussions in the future. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 22nd January 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 22nd January 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
With the Moon linking to the Sun in your social sector, you may be ready to focus on plans that bring you into contact with others. At the same time, the coming days may coincide with tasks and responsibilities that need some thought and a decision. Bear in mind Aries, that there is only so much you can do, so consider working on those activities that can bring the biggest reward. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You often like to help others, and this is something that friends and family appreciate about you. But it could be wise to hold back over coming days and let someone you know make their own choices or work out their issue themselves. Your horoscope suggests that doing so could be necessary if they are contemplating a new path, as they need to trust their feelings on this one.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Although you may have a lot to contend with and might be looking forward to making progress with an idea or opportunity, it can help not to have too fixed a routine over coming days. The reason being that family or friends you haven't seen in a while and who may live some distance away, may be eager to get in touch. Create a schedule, but leave gaps for any such eventualities.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Opportunities can show up for you in more ways than one, and these might encourage you to join with others, so you can pool resources and accomplish more by working together. However, doing so might require careful thought. Don't go into such ventures without thinking things through. There are areas where combining your assets is good, and others where it may not be.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
If you have been trying to please others by bending your ideas to suit them, then think again. The present setup suggests that an idea or project may have been though several changes as you attempt to get it to work for everyone. There is another way though, and that is to find a workable compromise. And with lovely Venus in your sector of relating, this is now very possible Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may reach an important milestone regarding a project or relationship, and because of this could be tempted to over think your next steps. This can be down to Mercury, your lead planet, aligning with potent Pluto and causing you to expect a perfect outcome. If you try too hard to make everything right, then this can affect the situation. Whereas relaxing may create a better outcome.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Although you can be keen to resolve a key issue as soon as possible, you may be anxious about holding the conversation that can bring about the required results. This may be because of the Moon's angle with cautious Saturn, and could coincide with a feeling that no matter what, you may never get it right. This might not be the case though, as you could find out if you go ahead.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The idea of staying fit and healthy can be uppermost in your mind over the next day or so, and this might be the reason that you feel moved to consider what nurtures you the most. With active Aries on the cusp of your wellness zone, you might often eat whatever is to hand if in a hurry. This can change though, as the present setup could encourage you to prepare wholesome meals.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The lively and upbeat focus on your sector of communication may add extra sparkle to your social life and could bring you into contact with some interesting people. Indeed, the coming weeks can be an encouragement to reach out and explore new connections. But it is also perfect for attending to those friendships you already have by making a call, or inviting someone over.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If you need to explain something or share a secret that could impact others in a positive way, then the coming days may be a good time to go ahead. With thoughtful Mercury in your sign aligning with fervent Pluto and angling towards expansive Jupiter, you may find that your news is received very well, and that speaking out now can give others something to look forward to.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You may wonder if you have what it takes to move forward with a bold idea, especially if this is linked to your purpose in life. The answer seems to be a resounding yes Aquarius, and once you make that commitment, which you may do over coming days, you will likely want to get a move on. The key is not to ponder on this too much, as doing so could hold you back to an extent.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A friend could show a persuasive side and encourage you to fall in line with their plans or help with an idea of theirs. The more they attempt to push you though, the more resistance you might feel. It is all very well offering assistance, but when you are coerced it is not the same at all. This might be a chance to firm up your boundaries, even if you have been friends for a while.