Horoscopes Monday 21st September 2020

Dealmaker Mercury forges an intense angle with radical Pluto which can find us being more defensive than usual.

We might be eager to learn about others' affairs if it gives us an advantage, but could tend to keep our own business extremely private. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 21st September 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Monday 21st September 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

There may be intense issues to handle, but there are positive influences that can boost your spirits too. The presence of Venus in Leo, encourages you to relish small, but lovely things that occur. Perhaps the opportunity to indulge a creative hobby could add sparkle to the days ahead. Even so, with Mercury angling towards Pluto, opting out of a decision might not be feasible. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You may be making things more difficult for yourself than is necessary Taurus. If you want something very much, as the present backdrop indicates, then you could be willing to go to great lengths to make it happen. But there is such a thing as trying too hard, and this might hold you back. Adopting a lighter touch can make reaching your goal much easier and more enjoyable.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

A lunar tie with caring Neptune, could inspire you to reach out to someone who needs help with an idea or ambition. Yet perhaps the most positive thing you can do for them, is to encourage them to keep their feet on the ground and be practical. Plus, you may be driven to explore ideas that increase your income, and if one intrigues you, criticism might not be welcome Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

If you ask a question, be sure you want to know the answer Cancer, as others might not hold back from letting you know what they think. The edgy and at times caustic Mercury/Pluto angle, means that words have power, and that much good work could be undone if feelings are expressed too harshly. Avoid getting involved in power games, as it won't do you any good.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You could argue about something continuously, but would it get you anywhere Leo? Mercury's conflicting angles with Pluto and Saturn can encourage blame games and manipulation, designed to make you back down and go with someone's plan. Yes, it may be a tricky few days, but with Mercury in Libra, putting yourself in their shoes might give an insight that turns things around.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Feel you have to compromise your values to make your creative work or business appeal to others? With Mercury your ruler challenged by key planets, it can seem that if you are to do well, you'll need to stifle your authentic voice. Bear in mind though, that with sobering Saturn turning direct next week, you may find a way to be a trailblazer rather than succumb to popular taste.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As a Libra, you can be quite sensitive to situations in which there may be a degree of conflict. The present astrological picture suggests this could be one of those times, and that you might be tempted to cater to everyone. This may leave you feeling drained though. Indeed, your horoscope suggests that standing up for what you believe in can create a very positive shift.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

It's not your conscious thoughts, but your subconscious patterns that may be communicating themselves to you and making you falter. Something could be triggering old fears and causing you to resist moving forward. Over the coming days, it might seem you are fighting a losing battle in this regard, but a fresh perspective can bring leading insights that counteract this Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You may be taking a certain situation very seriously, and although commendable, this might be the reason why you have hit a dead end. If you're continuously mulling this over, then you could be going around in circles. However, with savvy Mercury in the picture, being around others can inspire a playful and creative approach, allowing you to tap into a spring of fresh ideas.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

While the Sun's lingering tie to Saturn can find you eager to expand your reach and explore new terrain, someone's indecision could seem to seriously hamper your progress, especially over coming days. Trying to hurry them up might have the effect of making them go even more slowly. With the Moon making key aspects, someone with influence may be able to help you out.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The way cosmic forces are tending, you may feel it is your duty to speak the truth on a matter of importance, even if doing so means total honesty. Do you really need to though? Expressive Mercury's tie to powerful planets, suggests that doing so could be therapeutic, even if difficult. If there is something you've wanted to get off your chest, you might feel lighter as a result.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The coming days can see you involved in some intense activities that may be linked with a community project, or perhaps the preparation for a social event. This could be a busy time, which is why you should make sure that work is delegated fairly. If it seems you have the main share, then discuss this and find a way for others to chip in. There is no need to struggle alone Pisces.

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