The Sun's move into the dynamic sign of Aries can see a surge of growth, not only in nature, but also in our lives.
The urge to pour our energy into key projects may intensify, encouraging us to make a start on our best laid plans and get them underway. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 20th March 2017 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 20th March 2017
Aries 21 March – 20 April
As the Sun moves into your sign from today, the coming four weeks can see you very much in your element and thriving on this spontaneous and courageous energy. And you may find that the increased vitality you feel as a result can be an opportunity to attend to those dreams and creative ideas that seem to call out to you. If they motivate you, you may want to make a start. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A quieter and more inward mood can show up from today. This can see you standing back from everyday circumstances enough to get a sense of what is going on. You may notice how certain feelings seem to be holding you back and as a result of gently releasing them, could find that a key situation changes for the better too. There's no need to hurry this though, take your time.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
An astrological shift can coincide with a decision to make the most of your social connections and to nurture those that might be useful to you. Indeed, a tie between the Sun, now in your friendship zone, and the Moon in Capricorn can initiate a new phase in a relationship that may become vital to certain plans. However, there is plenty of opportunity for enjoyment as well.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
As the focus on your sector of goals and ambitions amps-up, you may be propelled into action by someone who is keen for you to succeed. Your plan may be linked to their well-being so they might feel it their duty to give you an extra nudge. It is unlikely that you need it though, as your horoscope suggests you could be ready for a spurt of new growth, especially if it allows you to be more independent.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With the Sun your leading planet, moving into your sector of far horizons, you may feel a desire to leave your comfort zone and explore new territory, whether this means travelling, studying or perhaps employing the services of a life coach to help you move beyond present limits. It may be a strong desire for new experiences and fresh opportunities that encourages such a move.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A recent focus on a sensitive zone may have alerted you to issues that require inner change if they're to be resolved. As the Sun eases into this same sector, you could become aware that a key situation requires an in-depth strategy in order to experience real transformation. This might involve releasing any pent-up emotions over time, as well as taking the necessary actions.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
As our major luminary moves into your sector of relating and joins Mercury and Venus, your interactions with others and your social life can become a major focus. As a result, you might find it easier to take stock of which associations are working for you and which may need to move down your list of priorities. However, it is really important that you don't feel guilty about this.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If you have had a desire to update and improve many of your approaches, you may have been busy reading and evaluating key ideas and considering what to adopt and what to let go of. Over the coming four weeks a clear vision of what you hope to accomplish can emerge, enabling you to create a series of routines and practices that might help you shape your life in new ways.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Today's Quarter Moon occurs just as the Sun and Moon change signs, and can encourage you to take a step forward and commit to a creative project or perhaps a friendship. If you have been wondering whether to go ahead, this lunar phase can give you an emotional nudge, which might see you taking that first step forward into something new and potentially rewarding.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
A focus on a quieter sector of your chart can encourage you to take a backward step and to make the most of any spare time to nurture yourself and enjoy a little self-care. Indeed, the coming four weeks can be excellent for spending time with close ones. If any edgy issues have been highlighted recently, then becoming mindful of their needs could make a positive difference.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If any inner blockages have been holding you back, then the current celestial backdrop can encourage you to look to the facts of the matter so as to unravel this dilemma. The more you read about or discuss it, the easier it can be to discern the way ahead. Greater clarity can lead to solutions that can become obvious and very doable the more you research them, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The coming weeks can see you thinking about what makes you happy and what might need to change for you to engage in more of such activities. This can mean reconsidering your values so those that can contribute to your peace of mind are at the top of your list of priorities. Where and how you invest your energy over coming weeks can bring many benefits if done astutely.