With the Sun in convivial Gemini aligning harmoniously with the Moon in Libra this can be a very sociable day.
And although we may not be able to meet up in person a call or online chat can make a world of difference and leave us much happier. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 1st June 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 1st June 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
As the Moon aligns with lovely Venus, this upbeat aspect can bring pleasant conversations and has romantic potential. However, another more awkward tie suggests that it could be tempting to ignore someone with whom you may not see eye-to-eye. If you do, you might miss out on an opportunity to find out why Aries, as a talk with them could open the way for a new friendship.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With Venus facing off with Mars, you may wonder about certain connections and how much value you get from them. With Venus still in reverse, you might feel frustrated with associations that are superficial and that you can't really warm to. If you remove them from your list, they may not even notice. Your loyal friends though, can be a constant source of support and delight.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
While the image you project may be important, with Venus in reverse you might be ready to take this to a whole new level. If it seems that you are experiencing a bit of an identity crisis, then it could be because you have changed so much as a person that how you look no longer reflects this. This is a chance to make some creative and timely changes to celebrate the new you.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Are you denying yourself something that you want? The cosmic line-up hints that you may have a chance to enjoy some me-time, but may not, preferring to help others if needed. Although highly commendable and very thoughtful, the current Venus/Mars angle suggests that time for reflection could encourage you to explore beliefs that might open a whole new world to you.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Most people have a public face, and a private side that they prefer to keep hidden. Over coming days, the effort needed to keep the deeper you out of your conversations can intensify. Would it really be an issue if you told someone about your real feelings, instead of pretending that everything is okay? You might find that you develop a much closer bond as a result of doing so.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The Moon's positive tie with Venus in a prominent zone can inspire you to invest in yourself, whether this means new clothes or a general makeover. With the Sun encouraging you into the limelight, doing so can give you the edge if you're keen to promote your ideas in various ways. If someone criticizes you don't pay them any attention. The feeling of confidence is all that counts.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A delightful Sun/Moon angle suggests that head and heart may be in harmony, and this can help you to accomplish so much more. If you are looking to expand your options, then exploring a new interest could satisfy a need for emotional and intellectual fulfilment. It might clash with current tasks and responsibilities, but with some adjustment, life can be so much more enjoyable.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
While you might want to give the appearance that you are relaxed about a developing romantic bond, the Venus/Mars angle tells another story. Deep down feelings may be boiling over, and you might be anything but at peace with the situation, especially if you can't see as much of them as you would like. Try to relax Scorpio, as a solution could show up much sooner than you think.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may get a lot of pleasure from moving in online circles, and you could learn so much from doing so. Ideas can click into place today, and there is the possibility of a new friend who promises to be a breath of fresh air. While you may have to keep your interactions virtual, your horoscope suggests something good might still result from this, with conversations and interactions becoming more frequent.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
With Mercury in your sector of relating, the coming weeks can find you open to exchanging ideas with others and finding a way to reach agreements. With a powerful focus on your sign involving a merger of Jupiter and Pluto, you might have forgotten to ask close ones what they think of your plans. If you make time to confer, you may be surprised at how much it helps you.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Relationships seem to be going through a positive phase, with the current star map revealing opportunities to talk things through, negotiate and to work together on projects or challenges with a partner or as part of a team. This can be quite an inspirational time too, as a desire to explore new ideas might put you in touch with fresh interests, adventures and new friends.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With the Sun in your home zone encouraging you to ease off the accelerator when you can, the weeks ahead may be excellent for getting extra rest where possible, eating nurturing food and enjoying some self-care. Keen to learn something new or to improve your skills concerning a hobby you enjoy? With logical Mercury currently in your creative zone, go for it Pisces.