Today’s Horoscopes Monday 19th October 2015

The Moon angles with Neptune, bringing our imaginations to bear but relationships can be hazier.

In fact when it comes to health, fitness, lifestyle, and working aspirations, this can be a time of great progress, but the key is not to try too hard, and remain realistic in our expectations. If you have a lot to do, do try to pace yourself. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 19th October 2015 please read below…

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Shaped by the Moon in Capricorn you may feel quite economical with your emotions today. However, you'll also find this more saturnine mood can be excellent for sorting things out, planning and being extra productive. Meanwhile, use the lighter Libra tones of the day for matters that require diplomacy, tact or extra subtlety.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Serious concerns about the future can prompt you to explore an idea or learning opportunity in depth, especially if it's something that might make a positive difference to your life. Indeed, today can be a turning point, as making a key decision or commitment might enhance your confidence, and give you a new lease of life.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Those you interact with may require facts and figures or a level of detail that seems a little restrictive. Even so, you might notice how it encourages you to concentrate and in the end to accomplish a great deal. In fact, today and the coming weeks can see you making significant headway and feeling more self assured too. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

If others seem businesslike, chalk it down to the Capricorn Moon encouraging a no-nonsense approach. What today may lack in jollity, it can make up for in efficiency which might see you and another soaring ahead with a great idea. Chances are you can proceed in leaps and bounds if the two of you chime well together.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The Sun and Mercury in Libra enable you to tune in and acknowledge others' perspectives and viewpoints as well as your own. Nevertheless, you'll find that those you liaise with might be very impressed by qualities such as punctuality and resourcefulness. Utilizing both traits could see you net a golden opportunity, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Have a knotty problem to resolve? If your mind has been circling around the same old solutions or if you feel stuck in a rut, you might come across the answer in an unlikely situation or even a passing conversation. Keep your eyes and ears open today, as someone's quirky remark or wise or searing insight can impart a vital clue.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Today's backdrop can make you more aware of your responsibilities, but also leave you feeling potentially overwhelmed. If so, it might be time to delegate some of your tasks and get others involved. And if you've been aware of the need for more rest and relaxation, see if you can make it an ongoing habit rather than a luxury.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You may feel a sense of anticipation as the Sun winds down in Libra, as though something is about to be born. Indeed, it will soon be time for those dreams and ideas you've nurtured in a quieter space to make an appearance in the world. Progressive trends suggest advance planning can be vital to the process, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The effort you've put into a project, goal or ambition can pay big dividends – and you might already have some results to prove it. But to make the best of this fortuitous phase try to work other activities into your day that provide contrast and enable you to unwind. While doing more is laudable, it may be best to pace yourself.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Lunar ties today look to be excellent for accomplishing your goals and you'll certainly have an opportunity to chip away, doing what you can to bring ideas and ambitious plans to fruition. At the same time it's worth switching off for a while and turning your mind to something else. Some bright ideas could emerge if you do.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If an idea grabs you, then it could prove to be irresistible – if it provides the answer to a problem or gives you a creative nudge in the right direction. And Saturn's offbeat angle to Uranus can give insight into an ongoing social dynamic, especially into the motives of a person who may have been a bit of a concern for you of late.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The unusually strong alignment of planets in your relationship sector might reveal a tendency to adapt yourself to other people's desires and ideas, rather than zeroing in on what's important for you. However, today's Capricorn Moon could help you to translate feelings into words and encourage greater honesty and directness.