The week begins with Saturn the planet of structure, and of restriction continuing its retrograde, but reversing into the sign of Scorpio. He was last in this location for the 2 1/4 years until just before Christmas 2014. Now for the next four months through to the middle of September, Saturn will be in Scorpio.
He will re-emerge after them, and start to move forwards once more in Sagittarius. But the next four months likely to see some kind of contraction around global finances, asks us to be even more careful with our resources, and be more conscious of very close bonds with others, be they emotional or intimate. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 15th June 2015 please read below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Saturn retreats back into the part of your situation to do with shared resources and long-term financial planning. Ring a bell? It's because it was in this location for 2 1/4 years until just before Christmas last year. And you can find yourself needing to grapple with any outstanding issues around these through to mid-September.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Your relationship sector comes under pressure once more from the influence of Saturn. This can remind you of the need to work hard at understanding those people you are close to, and also your own needs regarding partnerships. Also, someone may re-emerge back into your situation between now and mid-September.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The approaching a New Moon in Gemini can give you a significant desire to recast certain elements of your situation. One which can benefit is anything to do with your health, fitness and dietary approach. If you have been lax, the next four months can be a time when you can rekindle a more virtuous enthusiasm.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With the Sun and Mars so closely together, it's possible that someone from your past can resonate powerfully upon you. With the New Moon tomorrow their emergence can be confirmed in the next two weeks. Just who may surprise you, because it could be someone with whom in the past things were not always easy.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The person that you talked to recently that surprised you with a revelation, may be about to do so again this week. Yet this can come about in a way that you're really not expecting. An offer to go on some kind of group outing or trip may mask an interest in you which is more personal, and perhaps even romantic.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You can do exceptionally well business or career-wise – if you can focus on what's really essential. There may be some situations coming up which ask you to reconsider your present goals, retrain or reset a current strategy. In fact, the next month can see you thinking hard about what you really want from life, Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If you have enjoyed buying some more frivolous purchases over the weekend, it would be of no surprise, but with Saturn rewinding back into the part of your situation governing resources, going forwards you can find yourself thinking more about conserving cash rather than splashing out quite as freely now, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Your ruler Mars continues to be very close to the Sun. Have you found that your passions have been aroused in general this month Scorpio? Well, if you have it really wouldn't be a great surprise. But with the New Moon fast advancing any impulsive decisions you to do make, will have consequences, for good or bad.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Can you ask yourself this honest question, have you been rather too blunt towards someone of late? If the answer is yes use the upcoming energies of the New Moon in your relationship sector to try to see things from the viewpoint of the other person. If you can it could be surprisingly enriching for you and them, Sagittarius.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Is it possible that you are actually trying a little bit too hard around one issue? Although you can be one of the most conscientious of the zodiac signs, if you're focusing almost too much on one small slice of your needs, you may be taking your eye off the bigger picture. Realign if possible, don't drive things too forcefully.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You may be feeling omnipotent, which is certainly a good place to be but remember pride does go before a fall, in which case it's going to be important for you to really flourish, that you're not too abandoned in your approach. Match your natural self-discipline to your personality and creativity to truly shine out.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Someone might be finding you brusque in your home life, but what they'll not doubt is your determination to make good things happen around the practical elements of where you live. The key to making the most of this is maintaining co-operation. Don't be defensive if others see things slightly differently to you.