The Moon in Capricorn forges a positive tie to electric Uranus which could bring insights into worldly matters such as finances or key ambitions.
An opportunity may show up out of the blue or an encounter could reveal information that is useful and timely. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 15th July 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 15th July 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
If you are feeling a sense of tension and pressure, then it may be down to tomorrow's Lunar Eclipse and the feelings that are building along with it. Go easy on yourself and try to simplify your schedule if you can. You may be aware that something needs to change, and you likely know what it is. Take the first step, and you could begin to feel a little better immediately.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
There can be many reasons why you feel that sticking with your perspective is a good plan, and yet if you do, someone may not be that happy about it. It might seem as though there is a showdown ahead. If so, would you win? Your mind could go through a number of different scenarios, but if you can let go of any defensiveness and start talking, something may shift.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Whatever issues you are experiencing could be linked to events that are buried in your memory and associated with the past. Finding a way to gently resolve them can be cathartic, and pave the way for a new phase to begin. An intense lunar phase suggests you could feel emotional for no real reason. Don't push yourself too hard, as your horoscope suggests using this time for self-care and reflection.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Relationships may require the tender touch over coming days, as a potent Lunar Eclipse in your opposite sign of Capricorn, ties in which radical Pluto tomorrow. If you have regrets about something that happened in the past and want to find closure, then the way may open for this to happen. It is also possible that a reunion with an old friend could elicit powerful emotions.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
If you can reduce your to-do list, then it may be wise to do so. The coming days could bring complications, and with powerful energies on the cards, it may be difficult to juggle all those important tasks. A side of you may be angling for a complete change that can deliver a more relaxed lifestyle. If you are always on the go from dawn to dusk Leo, this might greatly appeal.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A desire to escape developing tensions in your social circle, could see you heading for the hills or at least making excuses why you can't accept an invite or attend an event. Getting away from the cause of the issue might give you a chance to think, and perhaps consider if you are mixing in the right circles. It may be time for a change, and if your instincts concur, then don't hesitate.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Feelings can run deep over the next day or so Libra, and could leave you feeling a tad overwhelmed. If you can put some simple steps into action now, it might make life easier. If there is an issue that needs your attention, then it's best not to leave it, as it could then tower over you. Doing what you can to handle it little by little, might enhance confidence and bring positive results.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The way you put something across can be very important over coming days. With radical Pluto involved in a stirring blend of energies, it is very possible that you could be at your bluntest and most honest. Will this accomplish anything? If you are seeking a solution, then it may be better to handle this gently, as coming on too strong could see resentful feelings souring a deal.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If a financial situation has been building recently, then don't delay in sorting it out, as the coming days might see it escalating Sagittarius. You may also need to face tense feelings related to ongoing emotional issues. But if you can do this with the help of a trusted confidant, something major can shift. Letting go of what no longer serves can be powerful and life-changing for you.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Relationships could be tricky over coming days, as potent energies may bring sensitive issues to the surface. And you could begin to feel the emotional heat now. With potent Pluto involved, your instincts might be telling you that a complete change is the key to your happiness. This doesn't mean a change of partner, although it could, but attitudes to each other may need to shift.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
There may be many reasons why you feel like spending time in a quiet way, and it could be linked to activity at a deeper level. Key influences are currently stirring up your psyche, and making it difficult to ignore issues that could be a drain on your energy. However, it might be worth seizing on any insights you get over coming days, as these could spark a process of positive change.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
An impromptu idea for an outing or a date could add sparkle to the coming days. It could even lead to a chain of events that leads to a romance or refreshing friendship. As the Moon syncs with restless Uranus, opting for a new experience could divert attention away from an issue that looks to be building up steam, and that will need attention and some in-depth discussion.