Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Monday 14th October 2019

With lively Mercury linking to prudent Saturn this can be an opportunity for some thinking and planning.

This businesslike aspect could see us getting to grips with negotiations that could lead to us doing a deal or making arrangements. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 14th October 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Monday 14th October 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may not change someone's attitude overnight, especially with the Sun's angle to powerful Pluto at a peak today. The more you try, the more they might resist Aries. If you can appeal to logic and facts rather than pure emotion, then you may have a chance. Yet the Sun's lively link to buoyant Jupiter, can inspire you to go in search of new experiences and traverse new terrain.  

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With sociable Venus journeying through your relationship sector, a decision to collaborate could bring out the best in a friendship or close bond, and see you enjoying the rewards this brings. But there is one matter that needs your focus, and it is to do with speaking your truth, even if others don't want to hear. An awkward angle involving Pluto suggests there is no better time Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The temptation to force something before it is ready may not be a great idea Gemini. A powerful Sun/Pluto angle can see the heart ruling the head, so that even if you know such a move isn't logical, you might still pursue it. Thoughtful Mercury's link to Saturn encourages you to look at the facts, but whether this will deter you is another matter. At least try not to rush into anything.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

No matter how a close one might feel about a homely issue, you don't have to take on board their dip in mood. With the Sun aligning with upbeat Jupiter, it is possible to find a more optimistic approach that could override other less appealing perspectives. The fact-bringing Mercury/Saturn influence might enable you to explain in detail why things may be a lot better than they realize.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Try to set yourself easy targets, as even though you could feel confident that you can accomplish something, a tricky aspect suggests it might not be quite so easy. Unexpected obstacles could hinder progress, so the less complex your plans, the better. Time for some serious thought about your lifestyle? The sobering Mercury/Saturn link can convey the benefits of being disciplined.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The radiant Sun's angle to Jupiter and Pluto, suggests that a situation may not be as awkward as it seems. If you are willing to rise above it and take a philosophical perspective, then it might be easier to find an optimistic solution. Still, emotions could be intense and your horoscope suggests that channelling them into exercise or household tasks may ground you and enable wiser decisions.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Someone may be in an unreasonable mood, and unless you can distance yourself from them it might affect you too. Even if they are close, talking about it could result in a battle to get the preferred outcome. And yet if you can help them to see the bigger picture, this could take the charge out of the situation and allow for more fruitful discussions. If not Libra, patience can be key.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Tread with care, especially with edgy influences bringing intense feelings to the surface. A Sun/Pluto influence suggests you may want to make your views clear to a certain person and feel justified in doing so. Consider though, that you will very likely see them again and any bad feeling generated now might put a distance between you. With sensitivity this can be avoided.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The coming days can see you changing tack regarding an important issue. And it may be that you are moving more towards listening to your feelings rather than to what others have to say about it. While their input is important, you can find that tuning into your instincts assists you in discerning what is best for you. Knowing what you want can make it easier to move forward.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Do you have a desire to purge something from your life? This may have started last week prior to the Full Moon, but over coming days you may go a step further and release this burden once and for all. Yet it could be more a matter of letting go of any resentment or overly big expectations, as doing so could give you a clear space to decide what is truly best for you.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

With the Sun challenging intensive Pluto located in your secluded sector, it can be just as well to become aware of any buried tension. This influence is at a peak today, so feelings can bubble to the surface, and it might be helpful to consider the root cause. In addition, you may also find that channelling such feelings into daily tasks or a good walk can assist in releasing pent-up energy.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With convivial Mercury linking to Saturn in your social zone and dreamy Neptune in your sign, far horizons and fresh possibilities can beckon. You could be dreaming of faraway places and exotic climes, but might find that a more down-to-earth project is something you can engage with now, especially if it will benefit your community. Don't give up on travel plans though.