How we are you doing now that Mercury is tracking forwards again? I do hope any glitches and mixups that have emerged in the last three weeks are now being resolved.
Saturn also continues to provide a very stabilising angle to the planet of communication, and this can helps to organise our thinking and is excellent for any kind of structuring or research. Yet this is a week when the energies of Virgo also come very much to the fore. Both Mars and Jupiter are very closely aligned, and in turn forges positive angle to the planet of change, Pluto. This can be a period of significant alterations in our lives. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 12th October 2015 please read below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Your relationship sector is very much under the astral microscope this week, and it could be you who is feeling rather restless around a close alliance, or someone you're closely involved with. But with your ruler Mars in opposition to Neptune for one last day, it is crucial that you're clear on any key facts before speaking out.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A tremendous collective develops in the sign of Virgo this week, which of course is your sister Earth sign. Initially one influence within this can just slightly diminish your enthusiasm, but there is a real opportunity to expand your range of activities. However, with your ruler Venus under pressure, don't take anyone for granted.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
If someone is lacking the necessary sensitivity to your personal needs and agenda, it would be easy to think that radical change is the answer. Well, in certain circumstances it might be. But there could be one strand firming up which is actually very positive, so you just need to control any tendency to be overly defensive. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Your professional situation has seemed to have been in a state of almost permanent flux for longer than you can care to remember. Once more this week you may find yourself having to adapt your emotional responses. Also you may find it hard to believe what someone says to you today, which actually mightn't be a bad thing.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The stars can push you to be open to different approaches and people this week. But understandably if this involves any kind of financial risk, discussion, transition or transformation, you may find yourself feeling tentative. Mind, by the week's end, something can shape up which can give you a greater sense of security.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
It's true that you may be out to rejuvenate your financial situation, but you may need to be quite dexterous in order to achieve this. If plate spinning is your thing, well, things look good. Your ruler Mercury asks you to focus on detail but with Venus in your sign, challenged by stern Saturn, someone close may be lukewarm to your plans.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The Moon, in your sign, clashes briefly with the potent energies of Pluto. This can show itself by someone trying to cramp your style. Or then your mood can be out of kilter with the realities of your immediate circumstances. Energy can still be at a premium. Dig deep, because by listening to your inner voice progress can still be made.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Someone could ask for your opinion today, or even share a nugget of information. But there is a thin line between this and darn right gossip, and with your ruling planet Mars under pressure for one last day from the deceptive energies from Neptune, it's crucial that you don't get involved in anything which affects your standing.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Some surprise connections are possible this week, and you need to remain rather nimble on your feet because some of these could throw up an introduction or opportunity around your professional situation. Yet understanding what other people expect from you is sure to be crucial. Indeed, someone can seem critical, even remote.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Tiny Pluto in your sign, forges a fleeting, but potent angle to the gentle Moon today. Even if you're someone who does like to keep your business private, an emotion or issue can bubble to the surface, unhelpfully. With your ruler also clashing with the planet of personal expression, some harsh truths could also be exchanged.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Your idealism is often your greatest gift, as is your capacity to get on with lots of different types of people. These qualities can be emphasised this week, but with major focus on your long-term finances or shared resources, it may not be easy to deal with life's complications. In response, try to be utterly realistic, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Although the Sun and Mercury are asking you to grapple with the less obvious elements of human motivation, Uranus can spark an exchange with someone you're powerfully drawn towards, even if you can't figure out why. With a swirling mist coming from your co-ruler Neptune for one last day, take more time to decide on your next step.