Horoscopes Tuesday 4th February 2025

Luscious Venus enters dynamic Aries from today for an extended stay, encouraging us to be more upfront and open about our needs and inspiring us to share our feelings.

This is also the day that sassy Jupiter turns direct in Gemini after many months in its retro phase. If we’ve seen few rewards for our efforts, they’ll soon start to show up.

Aries (21 March – 20 April)

You’ll be in pleasure-seeking mode as lovely Venus moves into your sign from today. It could be hard to deny yourself anything, Aries. Romantic matters can move higher up your list of priorities, and you may do more socialising. While softer and more sensitive qualities are still in play, Venus’s influence can encourage greater spontaneity when sharing thoughts and feelings.

Taurus (21 April – 21 May)

As Venus, your guide planet, moves into a secluded zone, you may feel like going on a mini-retreat and spending more time doing your own thing. This doesn’t mean that your love life will suffer, but more that your affections will be expressed privately. And while a busy social sector suggests you can’t help but get involved, it’s good to treasure this time of peace, Taurus.

Gemini (22 May – 21 June)

Joining with those who share your interests and concerns can make the weeks ahead a happy time. You’ll have a chance to chat about things that are central to your life and get the support and validation you need. As Venus moves into your social sector from today, you’ll be ready to mingle and network. Is a romance just getting off the ground? Friendship will be a key factor.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)

Your career, goals, or business plans will all benefit, as harmonious Venus moves into a prominent zone. You may be more inclined to socialise with those who work in the same job or profession, and doing so might bring friendships and opportunities. You could also become more conscious now of your image and reputation. If this is important professionally, do invest in yourself.

Leo (24 July – 23 August)

You’ll get great pleasure from anything that helps expand your horizons. As lovely Venus enters your sector of travel and opportunity, prepare to sample new experiences, especially if you have a friend or partner who can share them. People from other countries and cultures may fascinate you, and you’ll be drawn into their circles. And your taste for the exotic could be enhanced.

Virgo (24 August – 23 September)

Get ready, Virgo, as Venus’s move into zesty Aries can ramp up the passion in your relationship. You’ll be keen to smooth over any difficulties in areas where power-plays are possible. These include finances, business, intimacy issues, and other matters that are emotionally charged. Looking for romance? An encounter in the next month could be intense from the moment you first meet up.

Libra (24 September – 23 October)

As luscious Venus enters your relationship zone, you’ll be keen to smooth over difficulties, negotiate, or discuss a compromise. Whatever the nature of your connection, her delightful presence here encourages positive solutions that can work for all involved. Your love life might also be boosted by this uplifting influence, and whether solo or entangled, passions can be kindled and reignited.

Scorpio (24 October – 22 November)

Ready to jettison bad habits and take up healthier ones? Want more energy? Venus in Aries from today could mean you’ll be ready to change your diet, do more exercise, and get into a good routine that will ensure future progress. You’ll be seeking balance, and this can encourage you to nurture mind, body, and soul, Scorpio. Your work environment can benefit from greater collaboration.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

You’ll be ready to relax and have fun, as sultry Venus moves into your leisure zone. The weeks ahead could see you enjoying more romance, lively outings, and creative activities. It’s a good time to hone your artistic talents and to collaborate on projects with those who share your vision. Looking to date? Your spontaneous approach can make you a very attractive option, Archer.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

Would your home benefit from more organisation? As Venus enters your domestic sector, you’ll be aware of any areas that are not looking their best. The coming weeks could find you eager to do some decluttering and decorating so that a greater sense of harmony is created. And if there have been any issues with other family members, this can be a wonderful chance to heal them.

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)

Your ability to see both sides of a key issue could be a help in discussions and negotiations. As Venus moves into your communication zone for some weeks, you’ll have a way with words that uplifts others, brightens their day, and motivates them too. You could be quite fiery in your speech at times. If someone won’t take no for an answer, your wit and sharp perceptions will soon help.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)

As Venus moves into your financial zone, the temptation to spend could be stronger than usual and might lead to one or two impulsive buys, Pisces. Calorific goodies can also be harder to resist. Still, you may be able to stave off a strong desire to splurge by connecting with friends for a coffee and a chat. And if you are enterprising, your income can benefit from your shrewd moves now.