Horoscopes Thursday 27th March 2025

Thursday 27th March Daily Horoscope 2025

Charming Venus moves back into Pisces as part of her retro phase, which means our focus turns inwards to our relationship with ourselves.

We might also prefer to keep feelings hidden for now, as we process and understand them. We’ll know when we’re ready to share.

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may think you know what you want. But do you, Aries? Your feelings can play tricks on you, especially now when Venus re-enters Pisces and syncs with the dreamy Neptune. You could keep changing your mind or find that even if your desire is strong, you don’t have the belief in yourself to make it happen. You do have imagination, so visualising vividly is a good start.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

An attraction to someone could take up a lot of time and energy, so first consider if this is something that might have mileage. With Venus your guide planet, back in Pisces and nebulous Neptune in the mix, this budding friendship or romance might take more than it gives. And a deeply compassionate approach that may find you overlooking one or two fatal flaws, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Don’t be in too much of a rush to agree to an offer or plan which might not be as great as it seems. While it can appeal on many levels, there may be reasons why it’s best avoided until you can make an informed decision. Remember the maxim that all that glitters is not gold! It could entice you by offering a way to make money or be successful in double quick time. It might also prove costly.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

As Venus retrogrades back into dreamy Pisces and merges with nebulous Neptune, you may feel nostalgic, but be careful. That illusion you’ve seen through might still tempt, but stepping back into it could stall your progress. Neptune skews lines, making the past seem seter than it was, but deep down, you know the truth. You’ve grown, you’ve learned and you’re ready for more.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may be tempted to rush into a contract or creative project fuelled by dreams of the future. And what is on offer might be very enticing indeed, Leo. But will it be good for you? Before you commit, consider discussing this with someone who’s completely detached from it. Their perspective could be invaluable in helping you to weigh up the pros and cons in no time at all.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Your usual sharp instincts might get a little fuzzy, especially when it comes to people. Someone new may seem utterly charming, but are they really as they appear? Neptune loves illusions, and right now the lines between fantasy and reality are hazy. Before investing your time, trust or heart, step back and reflect. Stay open, but not naïve, and you’ll avoid disappointment.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Do priorities feel like shifting sands? Are they hard to pin down or easy to drown in? If you’re saying yes to everything, when do you relax? Overcommitting may feel noble, but exhaustion isn’t a good look. Neptune causes distortion, making it tough to know when to stop. Step back and set some limits. Prioritise yourself first, and the rest will fall into place.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Pleasure is calling, and the thought of it may be inviting. But knowing when to stop can be a challenge. Neptune blurs boundaries, making excess feel like a divine right. Whether it’s love, luxury or late-night adventures, enjoy yourself but stay mindful. Too much of a good thing can leave you drained instead of delighted. Indulge wisely, and you’ll have no regrets, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With Venus drifting backwards into dreamy Pisces and merging with Neptune, your adventurous spirit may be taking a rare detour straight to the couch. The world can wait while you hibernate with books, movies and a touch of escapism. Reality fades, making fantasy more appealing than responsibility. Just don’t lose yourself entirely in this mood, as eventually life will come calling.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Ready to live to your full potential? If so, don’t let feelings related to past experiences stand in the way of success. Just as you’re about to venture into the unknown you may be assailed by memories of difficult experiences. If you need support, then the help of a life coach or teacher might give you the confidence necessary to forge ahead and discover your inner adventurer.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Trying to pin down a key issue? If so, it may seem to slip through your fingers like mist. Today is not the day for closing deals, signing contracts or making major decisions, as Neptune’s fog makes everything look better or worse than it really is. Instead of pushing for answers, step back, reflect and wait for the mist to clear, as it will. Patience now will save you from regrets later.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With Venus backtracking into your sign and merging with Neptune, your imagination is on fire. Inspiration flows effortlessly, filling your mind with brilliant, whimsical and wildly creative ideas. But can they become the reality you desire? Neptune loves dreams, but reality requires structure. Don’t forget to act, as your magic deserves to be more than just a beautiful thought.