Sunday 23rd March Daily Horoscope 2025
The Sun’s harmonious link with underworld Pluto could be a game changer, especially if we’re ready for a shift in our circumstances.
It’s time to let go of whatever may be holding us back from moving into the future we so desire.
Aries 21 March – 20 April
With the Sun now in your sign Aries, you’ll be ready for a new beginning – especially if aspects of your life have been unravelling before your eyes. Now you have the steering wheel firmly in your hands, the coming weeks can see you bringing creative and personal dreams to life with enthusiasm. Nothing can stop you, unless old memories hold you back. It’s time to let them go.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Get ready to consolidate the gains you’ve made over the past weeks. With a potent Sun/Pluto link on the astral cards, this is a great opportunity to impress those in authority and let them know what you’re capable of. You need to keep at it, as consistent effort will win the day. Don’t ignore a creative idea that could put you ahead of everyone if you have the courage to follow through.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You’re stepping into a period of transformation. It’s time to embrace bold ideas, take calculated risks and push boundaries in ways that excite you. Pluto’s influence adds depth and intensity, urging you to go beyond surface-level thinking, whether in career, personal growth or travel. If there’s something you’ve been hesitant about, now’s the time to lean in with confidence.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Opportunities may come your way from more than once source. Someone might be in a generous mood and keen for you to take advantage of an idea or offer they sense could be good for you. There can also be doors opening regarding personal ambitions or career plans, with the potential for an unexpected offer that may set the stage for an exciting new beginning.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Get ready, as a blend of influences can gift you with promising options. Today though, with the Sun working to your benefit, you could get excited about an offer. You may spot an opportunity or be alerted by someone in the know. Either way, following through might find you very excited by the openings ahead of you. Going on vacation? A romance could get very passionate.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Powerful insights could encourage you to turn over a new leaf. A potent influence in a key sector of your chart can coincide with a breakthrough, enabling you to resolve a tricky issue. And making a start now may leave you more at peace. In addition, you might be very persuasive, making this an excellent time to get maximum support for a personal project or business plan.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Expect the unexpected but welcome it too, as events over coming days could kick off a friendship or budding romance or perhaps encourage you to take an association to another level. With the Sun newly in your sector of relating, an encounter might prove enchanting. And if you nurture this relationship, it can support you in so many ways. You’ll be changed by them too.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If productivity has been an issue, the Sun/Pluto tie which involves your lifestyle sector could be a call to do something. You’ll be very motivated to get to the root of the problem and find a way to resolve it. Plus, it’s an excellent time to set up positive habits that can enhance wellbeing. You could be extremely one-pointed and determined in this regard, once you decide to go ahead.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
This looks to be an action-packed time, when a chat could inspire you to explore an opportunity. It might be the start of something that gives you a new lease on life and transforms your outlook. You’ll be more businesslike at home, as Saturn’s link with Uranus in Taurus can make you aware of a need to control household spending. Take charge and you’ll make instant gains.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The Sun’s angle to the radical Pluto can usher in fresh ideas and opportunities, especially if you’ve been thinking of starting a business from home or have other big projects planned. Don’t forget about the cost, as this can be the key to getting things off to the best possible start. The more resourceful you are, the easier it is to be creative and to get started for a reasonable cost.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
News or information could act as a catalyst that inspires a new beginning or encourages you to get moving on an idea or plan. A potent aspect involving your sector of communication, may find you ready to share your message with the world or to liaise with another to work on an idea. Deeper stirrings can also inspire you to consider what you really want on a very soulful level.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Whether you sense it or not, you’re tapping into a quiet but unstoppable force within you. This isn’t about dramatic moves, but about deep, meaningful transformation bubbling beneath the surface. You’ll gain clarity on what really matters, whether it’s finances, personal growth or dreams waiting to be pursued. Small, strategic steps now could lead to major breakthroughs later.