Horoscopes Monday 17th March 2025


Today’s angle between the Moon in Scorpio and Pluto in Aquarius can be particularly intense and might also find us more defensive than usual.

While a temporary influence it could plant a seed of suspicion or doubt in your mind that may be difficult to let go of.

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The Moon in Scorpio angles towards Pluto in Aquarius, so your inner detective can be on high alert. But are you sure there’s something to uncover? A little scepticism is healthy, but don’t let suspicion cloud your judgment. Not everyone has a secret agenda, and overanalysing someone’s intentions could create tension. Let it go and save your energy for real battles.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Are you avoiding someone’s opinion about your goals, because deep down you worry they might be right? Even if their words challenge you, take a breath and really listen. Are they offering insight or just projecting their own doubts? You don’t have to agree, but considering another perspective could strengthen your plan, not weaken it. You may end up being grateful to them.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The Moon/Pluto angle suggests an exciting opportunity may be knocking, but you might hesitate because of real concerns or a fear of failure. Be honest with yourself. Making excuses could just be your way of avoiding the risk. But what if you didn’t fail? What if this was the step that led to something amazing? Don’t let self-doubt decide for you. You’re more capable than you think.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Could you be overthinking a potential connection before you’ve even said hello? Fears may be bubbling up, but are they based on reality or just an emotional block? Vulnerability could be holding you back more than any actual red flag. Instead of assuming the worst, give yourself a chance to explore before you retreat. A simple chat costs nothing but could reveal so much.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

A key discussion may be on hold because you’re worried that the other person won’t want what you do. But staying silent won’t change the truth and bottling it up will only create pressure. If it matters, it’s worth talking about. Be brave but open, honest but willing to listen. Their response might surprise you, and even if it doesn’t go as planned, at least you’ll know where you stand.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With the Moon in Scorpio clashing with Pluto in Aquarius, a big project looms on the horizon, which may be causing concern. You’re excellent at planning, but are you overthinking before you even start? Perfection isn’t required, but progress is. The first step could feel daunting, but once you get moving, you can build on this. Trust in your skills, discipline and ability to adapt as you go.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

A big desire may be coming into sharp focus, and one that could have a hefty price tag. Whether it’s a luxury item, an experience or a major investment, the pull is strong. But before you whip out your wallet, pause! If it truly adds value to your life, start planning. If not, let the moment pass. Balance your urges with what really serves you, and your future self will thank you.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Your instincts could be on high alert, especially when it comes to a home or family matter. You’re not one to accept things at face value, and today that curiosity could lead to key insights. Whatever the issue, it’s time to look beneath the surface. Just be mindful that some discoveries require patience and tact. The truth is there, but how you handle it will shape what happens next.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You may be very determined around an important matter. But ask yourself if this unwavering stance is true wisdom or just stubbornness? Holding your ground is admirable when it’s about integrity, but if you’re resisting change just for the sake of it, you might be blocking progress. Consider fresh perspectives before shutting the door, as the right path isn’t always the rigid one.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Is a friendship clashing with deeply held beliefs? Should you stand firm or find a way to co-exist? Not every alliance needs total agreement, but kindness is non-negotiable. Before writing someone off, ask yourself if this really is an issue or just a difference? Growth often comes from engaging with new perspectives, but if respect isn’t mutual, might it be time to step back?

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Are you wondering if a plan of yours will be rejected? Not everyone will understand where you’re coming from, and that’s okay. Innovators always face scepticism before success. If the comment stings, ask yourself if it’s constructive or background noise. Don’t abandon ship because someone doesn’t get it. Your ideas are ahead of their time, so keep moving forward.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Try not to let a minor setback shake your deep belief in yourself. A small failure isn’t a dead end, instead just see it as a chance to change tack. Even the best journeys have detours, so take a breath, adjust your sails and keep going. Self-doubt may creep in but remind yourself why you started. Your dreams aren’t fragile, and neither are you. Stay in the water and keep swimming.