The Moon in Taurus and its tie with Mercury, planet of talk and thought, can see us taking a step back and reappraising a complex situation.
However, although family or friends may chip in and offer advice, over coming days we may fare better if we listen to our instincts. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 8th April 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 8th April 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
There are ways to accomplish our aims without resorting to spur-of-the-moment actions. With the weekend racing up, take your time with any plans you have. However, with the Sun linking to Uranus and conflicting with Pluto, the tension may be palpable as could the temptation to act on a whim. If you can resist this and make well grounded moves, you'll be pleased. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The presence of the Moon and Mercury in your sign could add a cautious note to your plans. Indeed, you may wonder about the wisdom of certain ideas and look for reassurance. This could quickly change if someone challenges you and then decide to take a leap of faith. However, be sure not to react just simply for the need to prove a point. Be true to yourself.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
As the Sun makes a bold connection with the lively energies of Uranus, you may find yourself rethinking certain long term plans. This can be really exciting, even intoxicating, if you decide to head in a bright and perhaps much less worn direction. Your choice of friends could also be reinvigorated by this planetary aspect. Anyone more unusual can appeal.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Although caution can often be your watch word, current planetary possibilities ask you to be open to new ways of approaching your work and how you interact with people in worldly situations overall. So, if an opportunity comes up, however novel or suddenly, do look to explore it. Timing is likely to be crucial so don't hesitate, even if you need to fend off uncertainty.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Volatile planetary energies suggest that you can feel really switched on to anything which reaffirms your individuality or allows you to demonstrate a more adventurous side of your nature. This may mean that you will check out some possibilities that will not be long lasting. Bear this in mind if you find yourself attracted to a new racy person, for example, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Planetary activity in your long term financial sector suggests something may need attention, and if the current levels of tension are anything to go by, then it could even be quite urgent. Despite this, a rebellious mood could strike, encouraging you to hold back and resist when action taken swiftly could aid you. Be sure not to defer any pressures on this basis alone.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Yesterday's New Moon may have stirred up an issue with a love interest or business partner that could have left you on tenterhooks. This may be one of those occasions when you could decide to take a leaf out of your opposite sign of Aries and be more wilful. If someone sees that you're deadly serious, they could show more respect now and in the long-term.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Although a challenge you face might test you, it could also make you stronger – even if it feels like an unwelcome demand. Present influences hint that you may be confused as to how to tackle this. While it won't help to make a spur of the moment decision, you'll likely find that when it comes to the crunch you will find the inner resources to deal with this.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
While the Moon's connection with Mercury can slow down your thinking, it can help you to avoid being more impulsive. Then again, its angle with Neptune might see you talking to a family member who doesn't fully understand your situation. So it will be important not to lose your spark, but at the same time retain your self-belief about your overall situation.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Are you losing control of a situation that you're heavily invested in? If so, it could lead to a sense of frustration. If you're focused on one outcome and unwilling to consider another, this may be where the problem lies Capricorn. Indeed, the people around you may see you as being overly stubborn, which could generate even more conflict and resolve very little.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
People around you may appear to be ultra sensitive, but that would be hardly surprising given your current horoscope with its conflicting energies. Over coming days there may be accusations and counter claims, but if you're patient all this should gradually die down. What you can do, is avoid opening up to anyone who does not have your interests at heart.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With Mars moving across the top of your chart and Saturn regressing in the same zone, you may be keen on one idea and more ambivalent regarding other older goals. However, within the coming nine days Mars too will rewind, so do prioritise about what is really essential, then take the initiative and get those plans in motion and have faith in them too.