The Pisces Moon merges with mystical Neptune which could find us in a very sensitive mood and more able to empathize with others.
We may find it easier to drift and dream than to do anything, but some very imaginative ideas could come from such reveries. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 7th January 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 7th January 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The Moon's alignment with hazy Neptune, can heighten your sensitivity to others' moods and feelings, and may be a call to firm up your boundaries. The wisdom of why this might be necessary could become clearer the more you think about it. Don't take anything for granted over the coming days. It will pay you to stay on the ball concerning matters of great importance.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With Saturn in your sector of goals continuing to forge an angle to sassy Uranus in your sign, this could be a time to listen to those stirrings within you. If you feel you have given priority to the wrong plan or project, this lively aspect inspires you to follow a more personal calling. You have unique talents Taurus, and using them can be the start of a new and dynamic phase.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
There can be benefits to looking beneath the surface, rather than taking things for granted. With a focus on an intense sector, being willing to understand your own or others' motives, may lead to genuine insights. You'll realize that something you thought you wanted, just isn't you. It's time to be honest with yourself, and admit any mistakes so you can correct them and move forward.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Your thoughts about how a situation might pan out could be quite different from the reality, but this won't stop you from dreaming. You likely have various scenarios running through your mind if you're going on a trip or concerning upcoming events, but it helps to be flexible. Sometimes the path to getting what you want can take more than a few twists and turns.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Have a vision of how you would like to look? It might involve making some healthy adjustments to your daily routine. As well as exercise, you could go one step further and consider a different diet, Leo. This may include getting rid of any high calorie foods, and making a pact with yourself to shop for items that boost your overall wellbeing, rather than jeopardizing it.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Whether you're hoping to accomplish a goal or resolve a difficulty, you'll only manage it if you can be consistent. A sporadic approach might not be enough to build momentum. This is the situation you may find yourself in over coming days, Virgo, and if so, you might want to question your commitment. If you really want something, your horoscope suggests you will put your heart and soul into getting it.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may hope that someone will take the wisest and best course of action, but they might not. Perhaps the only way they will, is if you discuss it with them and help them see other alternatives. This can be the case with a family member or very close friend. Unless you influence the situation directly, they could do nothing at all, Libra. Which suggests it's all down to you!
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You can do all kinds of experiments and try alternatives, but unless you make a firm decision, things will stay as they are. If you want to improve your present circumstances, it may be time to look back and consider the many options you have tried. What worked best for you? The cosmos also hints that a situation could shift the moment you give it permission to.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
This can be a time to question your values, especially those that you took on as a child quite innocently. You may feel you're being held back by outdated beliefs or ideas, and be keen to do something about this. The focus on a deeply personal zone could help you to understand where they originated, and encourage you to develop guidelines that increase your personal power.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
There can be strength in sensitivity, so if you find yourself empathizing with people, taking on their moods or intuiting their thoughts, it may open up new avenues. The coming week or so could bring more of this, so you might feel like sharing your own feelings or encouraging friends to talk if they need to. There's a chance to drawn closer to someone, and this can feel really good.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You might want to get to know someone, yet find that the more you do, the more circumstances seem to prevent it happening. Does this mean that it's not meant to be? Relax Aquarius, and you may meet up with them when you least expect it. A coincidence might bring you together in a way that no amount of hoping and wishing ever could. Then you can start to weave your magic.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The Moon's merger with nebulous Neptune in your sign, can be a call to go with the flow. But what if a friend seems determined to involve you in their plans? Is this the same thing? Not quite, Pisces. If you sense they are taking advantage, then going with the flow could mean trusting your instincts and letting them know you have something else to do. Try to put yourself first today.