Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Friday 7th August 2020

Harmonious Venus moves into Cancer from today where she shows her more maternal and nurturing side.

Venus in this emotional sign loves to attend to domestic and family matters and to spend time beautifying the home. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 7th August 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 7th August 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

While a side of you can be eager for adventure, the movement of Venus into your domestic zone may see you enjoying the chance to spend time relaxing. If you need a respite after a particularly hectic time, then a scented bath or a delicious meal with your partner or friends could leave you restored. You might also enjoy bringing beauty and serenity to key areas of your home, Aries.  

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

As peacemaker Venus enters your sector of communication, you'll find it easier to be diplomatic around sensitive discussions, and to know what to say and what to leave out. Your words could help soothe and heal another, or leave them inspired. This is just as well, as fiery Mars angles to Jupiter and Pluto, so you and another may need to talk. Venus will help you speak from the heart.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Need to discuss money matters? If doing so leaves you less than positive, a beneficial influence could help with this. You don't have to accept the first offer that shows up, you can negotiate, and by doing so, drive a hard bargain.Your horoscope reveals that issues around security might be to the fore, but also the desire to treat yourself Gemini, especially if you need a little something to boost your mood.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

As luscious Venus sashays into your sign, revel in the opportunity to treat yourself and relish the attention and admiring looks you get from others. There is no harm in spoiling yourself, as it is probably something you don't indulge in enough. Others may have plans, but if you feel like getting a new hairdo or shopping for clothes, just excuse yourself Cancer, and focus on you.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

While you can be very outward going, the continuing emphasis on a quiet zone brings an opportunity to consider what you want from a relationship. Have someone in mind? You may need to separate fact from fantasy, especially if they have alluring qualities Leo. You could be more sensitive than usual when it comes to love and relationships in general, so take it easy.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

While the Sun and Mercury in a spiritual zone, encourage you to enjoy some alone time, lovely Venus's arrival in Cancer and your social sector, can add extra sparkle to your life, inspiring you to link up with good friends. You may appreciate the company of those you're able to share your deepest secrets with, knowing they truly have your back and will never let you down, Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With sultry Venus your ruler moving into your sector of goals and ambitions, your diplomatic nature could give you an advantage in all kinds of situations. If you apply a little charm as well, you may net yourself an opportunity that might not have come along otherwise. You'll know just how to appeal to others' emotions, enhancing your ability to sell almost anything.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Your tastes become more wide-ranging and exotic, as sweet Venus moves into your sector of far horizons. Those from other backgrounds and cultures may prove fascinating, and if you are looking for romance, you could be drawn to someone from a completely different background. You will find it easier to intuit any potential areas of disagreement, and nip them in the bud.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Looking for a financial or emotional boost? From today, the planet of romance and lucrative deals moves into your sector of business, shared assets and intimacy, coinciding with an opportunity to enhance cash flow. In a relationship? You could benefit from money that comes via your partner. Baring your soul might help you release a burden, and be so very healing.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If you are uncertain of where a relationship is heading, then the movement of Venus into Cancer can act as a restorative. The coming weeks bring opportunities to talk things over and to discuss issues in a tactful and diplomatic way. Looking for that special person? You may be ready to reach out and forge new bonds, and if someone catches your eye, perhaps to take things further.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

A warm and welcoming influence can enhance team spirits, and find you getting along with co-workers. Even if issues do show up, Venus's presence in your lifestyle zone encourages you to talk about it, as doing so might smooth over any difficulties. Edgier aspects involving fiery Mars could cause you to be too hard on yourself, and perhaps a tad guilty when there really is no need.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With the planet of romance and creativity moving into your leisure zone, it's time to indulge those activities that leave you feeling really good. Looking for that special person? You'll instinctively know how to place yourself in the best light to make a great impression. If a romance does begin at this time, it may be playful, reassuring and a tad dramatic at times.

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