Today's Quarter Moon in Cancer is an opportunity to bring things to a close, to wind a project down and tie up loose ends.
The Moon is in it's final Quarter before it's New Moon phase, so this is the ideal time to finalize details and celebrate a job well done. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 6th October 2023 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 6th October 2023
Aries 21 March – 20 April
With a Quarter Moon on the agenda, the coming day or so can be a time of adjustment, when you and another might discuss plans. There may be areas where you conflict, and this could be a chance to talk things over and find a way to compromise, if necessary. The Moon also makes a more indulgent link that encourages you to step back and enjoy some me-time, Aries.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With the Sun moving through your lifestyle zone, there is much you can do to streamline your routines and give yourself more options. In fact, doing so could be at the top of your agenda, as a powerful lunar phase can bring activities into the mix that demand more of your attention. You may be surprised at how much you-time you can free up if you put your mind to it, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Issues concerning how to invest your money may be on your mind, especially if you have some saved up and are wondering how best to use it. The idea of taking a trip with loved ones or relishing some leisure time could be very appealing. Other influences Gemini, might encourage you to save it. It really depends on whether you want to enjoy it now or can wait a little longer.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The Quarter Moon in your sign today may coincide with a decision. This could relate to a home or family matter, and careful thought will be required. Don't feel you have to take sole responsibility here though Cancer, as you might be better off discussing it with those involved. Putting your heads together and coming up with ideas, can make the whole process much easier.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Although there's a lively and sociable focus in your solar chart, a lunar tie to elusive Neptune suggests that you might benefit from taking time to yourself. This can be so good for you Leo, particularly if you've been firing on all cylinders and had no chance to stop. The opportunity to relax for a while and do nothing much, could see your energy returning in no time at all.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A relationship could reach a critical point, and you may be considering whether to take things to the next level or not. However, there could be factors influencing your decision that revolve around issues of give-and-take. If you've been doing all the giving, and so far not had much back, then you may decide against it. Even so, things could change for the better over time.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
It's possible to have high expectations of an idea, and yet to have a few reservations as well. This could be the situation you find yourself in over coming days, and it may be a sign that you need to research it further. Regarding a goal or ambition though, you can be in a very receptive mood today, and someone's compliment could boost your spirits and reignite your enthusiasm, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With a potent lunar phase on the cards, you could experience a turning point, encouraging you to move out of your comfort zone. This can be a great time to take on a challenge Scorpio, although you might wonder if you're going too far too fast. Even so, your horoscope reveals that if you focus more on your fears than on the possibilities ahead of you, you may never make a start, and you'll likely regret it later.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Today's Quarter Moon in your sector of transformation, can find you focused on depth rather than on anything too superficial. This could lead you to question certain people and their motives, rather than accept them at face value. The urge to dig deep and uncover new information is not something you're generally inclined to do, but on this occasion, it could pay big dividends.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
A powerful influence can push you to aim for a breakthrough in a relationship, allowing you and another to work together rather than put up with constant edginess. This can be even more important if you're keen to complete an important project. You might think that there's no point, but any action that helps you to get along will certainly benefit you over the long-term.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Seeing the bigger picture could be important, particularly if you've been too focused on the details. It may apply to a plan that seems to be getting too involved. Simplifying matters might make life so much easier for you. In addition, you may be offered an opportunity that could be the result of a kindness you have done. Something good will come out of this, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Setting aside time for quiet reflection could bring crucial insights regarding a certain issue. Nevertheless, with an upbeat lunar link on the cards, you might find your mind wandering rather than focusing on solutions. What might help Pisces, is engaging in a hobby or going for a walk. Doing so can allow brilliant ideas to surface while you're relaxed and open to receiving them.