Today's Quarter Moon in Aries can inspire us to check the state of play before we declare a plan or project complete.
This can be a great opportunity to tie up any loose ends before next weeks solar Eclipse in Cancer. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 6th July 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 6th July 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Today's Quarter Moon in your sign, can leave you feeling as though you have less say than you would like regarding a certain matter. Yet with the Sun in Cancer and a homely sector, this has little to do with whether you are competent enough to handle a key situation and more to do with timing Aries. If you can delegate, then do so, as this is your chance to enjoy some self-care. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The stellar map suggests that even if pushed, you may not be in the mood to compromise. Nevertheless, if a personal issue has gone on far too long, then today's edgy lunar ties suggest doing something about it. If you reach out and make that first move Taurus, then this can put you in a strong position to issue an ultimatum or come to an agreement that works for all involved.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
With potent aspects stirring your emotions, it could be easy to let your imagination get the better of you, and perhaps to respond to an issue in an exaggerated way. Plus, with expansive Jupiter and dreamy Neptune in the mix, it can be tempting to make a decision that might not be based on the facts. Therefore, to save any embarrassment, a second opinion might be helpful Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Today's Quarter Moon takes place in your topmost sector, and suggests you may be hoping for positive recognition for your efforts, whether related to a job or a more personal goal. However, if this is what you want, then you might also need to consider the potential cost. If you are ready to stand in the spotlight and shine, then doing so can involve a lot more responsibility Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You have the chance to do something about ideas that may be bubbling up from the creative wellspring within. Moreover, with lively Mercury in your sign, finding a way to give them form can be satisfying. If you have artistic flare or other skills, these could make the ideal channel. And with a highly imaginative focus showing, the days ahead can nurture your artistic prowess.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Although a potent lunar phase can incline you to secrecy, there are other aspects that might encourage you to speak about whatever is on your mind. If this is something you have kept to yourself for a while, then the decision to tell someone can seem major. However, if you are seeking relief Virgo, then your horoscope suggests this can be a good time to come right out and just say it.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If you are succeeding at a goal or have been complimented by a person in authority, then it would be no surprise if someone didn't feel a little envious. It could be a passing emotion, but if you notice it from a friend or colleague, then it can be tempting to respond in kind. Even so, a decision to be open with them in a kind and friendly way can dissipate any awkward feelings.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You now have an opportunity to change certain habits that you have likely considered discarding for some time. Today's potent lunar phase encourages you to reflect on whether they are shaped more by indulgent urges or by your true needs Scorpio. If the it's the former, you could find many reasons to put off doing something about them, even though you know that the time is ripe.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
How far are you prepared to go to get what you want Archer? A Quarter Moon in a more intense sector of your chart, can inspire you to think carefully about whether certain desires are worth aiming for or not. In this instance, you may want someone to pay more attention to you than they are. However, if they do respond, could you handle a more intimate one-to-one connection?
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You may need to hold a discussion with someone you would prefer to stay on good terms with. Yet if you can approach this in the right way, it could turn out to be a very positive experience. Cosmic forces encourage you to go for it, as you have a right to settle this and feel good about the outcome. Being gentle with the person in question though, might make it easier all round.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If you have the choice between getting involved in a dispute or not, then it may be helpful to step back and consider your options. No matter what you do, it can seem that the other person has the upper hand or the superior attitude, and this could leave you feeling vulnerable. It is likely not true though, as you may have more influence than you know, you might just need to realize it.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Today's Quarter Moon in your personal money zone, could be a call to invest in a talent that might need a little push to get it off the ground. If others have been telling you how good you are at a certain thing, then take them at their word Pisces, as this isn't the time for doubts. If you can buy or borrow books or materials, then go for it, as good things can come from your efforts.