Horoscopes Friday 5th August 2016

As lovely Venus dances into Virgo we may become more aware of what we eat and drink, its quality and how it might affect our bodies and looks.

This might encourage us to be choosier when planning our shopping list and what ingredients to buy, and to consider healthier options where possible.  For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 5th August 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 5th August 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The focus on your work and lifestyle sector is further enhanced as Venus dances in, adding a congenial note to everyday interactions and relationships with co-workers. Although this blend of energies hints at a fruitful time over coming weeks, there is also a suggestion that you'll benefit from embracing the bigger picture when liaising or negotiating with others. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Can pleasure plans become even more fun? Perhaps, especially as Venus, your personal planet, moves into your recreational sector, adding to the lively ambience. Although this can coincide with more outings or romantic opportunities, it can also encourage a relaxed approach to areas of life that perhaps you may have taken just a little too seriously, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

As Venus angles towards Mars in your sector of relating, it can coincide with a clash of viewpoints. Is this necessarily a bad thing, though? You might find that such diverging perspectives generate discussions that can be very positive. Whether your talks concern a personal matter or a family related issue, the solution could create or have some exciting implications.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

There are times when small challenges can be a blessing in disguise. Moreover, the coming days may spotlight one such issue. The obstacle that presents itself is likely nothing you can't handle, yet could be big enough to encourage your resourceful side to emerge. The very act of handling this might present you with an opportunity that you simply won't want to miss.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

As the planet of co-operation glides into your sector of personal resources, the realisation may dawn just how helpful others have been, and how certain projects may not have materialised without them. So, this can be an excellent time to show your appreciation. By acknowledging their input, not only is this gracious, it can be something they truly appreciate.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With Venus entering your sign today your horoscope suggests you'll be focused on those relationships and plans that hold the most value for you. And if you have given others' assistance, this is as it should be. Despite this, remain precise about checking out the small print of someone else's proposal. Even if you trust them completely, and oversight may still need to be flagged up.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As the Moon aligns with Pluto in your family sector, you may feel responsible for a situation that needs a resolution. Perhaps all that's lacking is the decision to do something. If you have had a sixth sense about this, the trick is going to be in tuning into it and acting upon it. Though this sounds rational enough, how often do we find it so hard to do precisely this?

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The current Mercury Saturn connection may spotlight differences between you and certain friends that make you feel uncomfortable. If any of this has been ongoing it could cause you to consider what you might do to change things. The stars suggest that if you can be open to any contrasting views, while some may irk, see this as also being refreshing.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With Venus entering your sector of goals and angling towards Mars, you may wonder whether to try to impress a certain influential person, even if a part of you feels frustrated at having to do so. Is it really necessary, though? While this is certainly a time when you'll benefit from linking to the right people, maybe all that's needed is a little more self-belief.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

It'd be no surprise if you felt like stretching yourself and taking up a challenge. This could be something like learning a language or a professional qualification. It could also tie in with a desire to branch out in a new direction and see where it leads. Though, you might find that in order to take full advantage of any opportunities, some of your patterns may need to change first.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The Sun in your sector of relating suggests others may be keen to help out. However, when it comes to more personal issues, it may be best not to discuss such sensitive matters with acquaintances, but rather with the one person you can trust more as a confidante. If there is someone like this in your life Aquarius, they may be instrumental around a key strand.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You may have second thoughts about a project you were once excited by. And as Mercury links with Saturn and Neptune, you can discover if you were too hasty. You could be right, but perhaps not for the reasons you thought. Over this weekend someone who's also involved may change their mind independently of you – and that's why extra care is needed, Pisces.