Horoscopes Friday 4th May 2018

As the Moon in Capricorn connects with prudent Saturn, we may be keen to discover more about an ambitious idea.

We might be inclined to give this some serious thought before we consider making a start though. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 4th May 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 4th May 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The more you're willing to take a practical stance and look to the details, the easier the days ahead can be. A lunar tie with Uranus can see you more impulsive, but this is followed by the Moon merging with sober Saturn, which can see you taking key plans more seriously. On another note, helping out or donating to a worthy cause could feel both satisfying and uplifting Aries. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You may feel a strong pull to give yourself a special treat by taking an independent approach to your schedule. Still, as the Moon moves to link with cautious Saturn, it can pay you to let others know what you plan, even if you might prefer to do your own thing. Socially, an invitation to spend time in the company of those who are creative or spiritual can prove stimulating.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With the Sun continuing its journey through a secluded sector and linking to nebulous Neptune, you may have big dreams relating to your goals or regarding a big opportunity. Don't feel you need to hold back, as this is your creative imagination at work alerting you to all kinds of possibilities. Once you crystallize your ideas, then grapple with applying them more practically.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With electric Uranus in the final degree of your zone of personal ambition, it'd be no surprise if an unexpected opportunity arose. This could be linked with a goal that had failed to materialize, and you may have a second chance if you want it. If this chimes, then consider going along with it. Friendships and all sorts of collaborations are set to take on greater importance now.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Despite your normal optimism, you could feel a tad exposed and might wonder whether you have what it takes to succeed at something that's really important. Rest assured, if you feel this way it may be down to the Sun's tie with dreamy Neptune. This aspect can heighten the imagination, but could also cause confidence to slip. In a few days you'll likely be back on form Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If an idea or plan feels right then go ahead, and if it doesn't, then put it to one side for now. The cosmos encourages you to listen to your instincts even if others try to persuade you otherwise. It may well be worth taking note of a deeper wisdom, especially if it is so strong you simply can't ignore it. Indeed, you may find that following through paves the way for a special opportunity.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As fiery Mars moves away from potent Pluto in your home zone, any intense feelings around family matters may seem to have eased. It is also possible that a solution has already been found that has altered things for the better. Although you could continue to make other changes and be keen to restructure this area further Libra, your horoscope hints you may have already come a long way.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Although the Sun in your sector of relating is some days off from aligning with noble Jupiter in your sign, you may still benefit from asking others for help with an idea or project that you might not be able to handle alone. If you have already tried and feel you've fallen short, don't feel bad Scorpio. Plus, you could find that involving key people is fun, which makes a big difference.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With the Sun now in your work and lifestyle sector, it may be time to consider slowing down and perhaps delegating some of your workload. And as the Sun continues its journey through sensuous Taurus, taking opportunities to appreciate the beauty in life and also doing something nice for yourself, can help you feel recharged and ready to explore some exciting options Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Whether single or spoken for, there may be a hint of romance in the air over the coming days which you might want to take advantage of. A very idealistic blend of energies can see you and a love interest or your partner, enjoying some special times together. And if your long-term bond has seemed to lack a certain sparkle, then this can be an opportunity to rekindle that flame.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You may have had certain insights lately that could leave you feeling much relieved and perhaps more at peace too. However, with the Sun continuing its journey through a more private sector, the cosmos encourages you not to rush into anything new and energetic, but rather to allow yourself to settle and enjoy some pampering and self-care, if you have the chance Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If you have been invited to a formal event, then you may wonder whether you should go or not. Moreover, it may be nothing like you imagine and therefore well worth attending Pisces. An encounter could prove quite uplifting, and even if you do have serious matters to discuss, you could come away feeling fairly buoyant and glad that you made the effort after all.