With the Sun opposing Saturn planet of structure, we may feel challenged by the limitations imposed on us by circumstances or by certain people in our life.
Bearing this in mind. it can help us to find a balance between our own needs and obligations to others, so that neither wins out at the expense of the other. FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 3rd June 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 3rd June 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Considering the present astrological backdrop, there's a strong likelihood that a sense of frustration could creep in over coming days. With the Sun and Venus opposing Saturn it might appear that every time you attempt to move forward something occurs to stop you in your tracks. In fact, with Mars still rewinding, it may be that your energies could be better used elsewhere. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With Venus somewhat compromised, it can seem that certain plans are out of reach for now and the reason may boil down to your available resources. However, this doesn't mean that they're necessarily out of bounds, just that you may need to start out with lower expectations. Indeed, over the months ahead, there can be the chance to upgrade to bigger and better.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Even if you do want to move ahead with key plans, you may experience conflict coming from other people or from goals that clash with your sense of purpose. However, if viewed in the right way such matters can be helpful in encouraging you to reflect on your priorities. Once you're certain of the direction you want to move in, all this might be more easily resolved.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Under the present blend of energies, it may be difficult to connect quite so much with your intuition, especially as Neptune's influence can blur things even more. It may be necessary to make one or two decisions in order to move plans and projects along. Lunar links to Mercury and Pluto encourage you to focus most of all on the facts, as these will be your best guide for now.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Your dreams and wishes can come true, but at this time they may do so in a way you hadn't anticipated. It's even possible that what seems like a setback could kick start a plan of yours. The reason being, that you may be able to turn an apparent obstacle into an opportunity if you adopt a fresh perspective. In fact, acting on resulting insights can speed the way ahead.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As Jupiter syncs with Pluto you may begin to feel excited by any possibilities that open up to you. And, over the coming three and a half weeks your enthusiasm can sky-rocket. However, what might slow you down is the outlook of those you're involved with, who may consider that what you're attempting is impossible. This could provide the spark to prove them wrong.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The ongoing mishmash of influences could be the reason that you haven't been able to connect with certain people as much as you might normally. However, your horoscope suggests someone close might take this personally and seem to back off for a while. Should you see this happening, the Moon's link with Mercury can entice you to get in touch and reassure them of your ongoing support.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Lunar ties to Mercury and Pluto suggest your words could influence others, which may be just what's needed to resolve an issue. Both friends and potential rivals may be wowed by your sincerity and persuasiveness, which could result in you making certain commitments. However, with other more capricious influences showing, promise little and deliver a lot.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The present line-up hints that knowledge can be power, and that if you're privy to crucial information you could unwittingly give the game away. While this is fine if it's a close friend or confidant, you might want to be more cautious if you're with potential rivals or competitors. They may be only too happy to use any significant tips to further their own agendas.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The present astrological backdrop suggests you may want to sidestep key responsibilities in order to chill out for a while. Indeed, the Sun Neptune link reveals that having no fixed focus may be easier on you than getting on with anything constructive. Bearing this in mind, it might help to stand firm and get key priorities out of the way so you can just let yourself "be".
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
On the one hand, current aspects could see you enjoying a well-deserved treat, even if it is expensive. On the other, if closure is needed concerning a personal issue, certain intense influences indicate you may be ready to go to lengths to put this matter behind you. And, even if uncomfortable discussions are involved, this could be the time you decide to start.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With the energies of Neptune involved in the mix, people may give away secrets without really meaning to. As a result, a family member may share something with you that seems harmless enough, but that might be very personal to them. Because there could be repercussions, it may be wise to keep such information to yourself, at least until you really know where you stand.