Mystical Neptune turns retrograde in the sign of Pisces until December 6, 2023, and because this is a subtle planet, we may not notice it too much.
In reverse it can reveal how we have been fooled by something or someone, making it easier to respond in a more appropriate way. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 30th June 2023 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 30th June 2023
Aries 21 March – 20 April
While Saturn can give some structure to your inner life, Neptune's retro phase, which starts today, could help bring things into focus. If you've felt lost or wondered what to do about issues that seem to be impossible to resolve, you may begin to get clues in your dreams or via striking coincidences. You might also realize where you've been fooling yourself in certain areas.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With elusive Neptune in your friendship zone entering its retro phase, your perception of the people around you can change over the coming weeks and months. You may gain insights into a social situation, group or person that you hadn't noticed before. Perhaps you'll get to understand someone's motives in more depth and begin to understand what kind of a person they really are.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
With aquatic Neptune rewinding in a prominent zone, you may develop a sense of clarity concerning your motives and plans. If life has been at a standstill around career issues, the reason for this could become more obvious with clues as to what you can do about it. Try to think out of the box Gemini, rather than go for the tried and trusted, as this can get things moving for you.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You'll be in your element with the Sun and Mercury in your sign, and find it easier to talk about your feelings or discuss personal issues. From this week though hazy Neptune will regress, so you might feel disillusioned about certain beliefs, which can inspire you to look at any that are actively holding you back. Now could be a good time to make a few positive changes, Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
As the Sun moves further into your spiritual sector, you'll be more inclined to take time out for reflection, Leo. Mercury in the same sector, encourages you to dig deep and find closure on any long-running issues. Yet with ethereal Neptune regressing from today, your horoscope suggests you'll find it easier to identify areas where you may have sabotaged your efforts. It's time to get out of your own way.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With both Saturn and Neptune in your relationship sector, you may have mixed feelings about certain people. Today Neptune goes into reverse, and this might assist you in getting to know someone better. While Saturn's retro phase turns the spotlight on your part in a key bond, Neptune's rewind phase can sharpen your understanding of why someone is acting as they are.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
As beguiling Neptune regresses in your lifestyle sector for some months, you can become aware of situations where you might not have been honest with yourself. For instance, you may sense deep down that a certain job is not in your best interests, and yet on the surface be going along with it. This influence encourages you to admit to yourself that something needs to change.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Have you taken your creative abilities for granted? As nebulous Neptune goes into reverse until later this year, you could decide to make the most of them by sharing online and letting others know more about what you do. Friends and family may compliment you and actively encourage you to take things further. Don't let things drift, as you could do well if you try.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
As ethereal Neptune enters its retro phase in your home zone, you may become aware of what is really occurring around aspects of your domestic situation. This might not happen right away, but the weeks ahead can bring up some interesting insights. You could wonder why you never noticed such issues before, but Neptune's rewind phase pulls back the veil and reveals the truth, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You may have to feel your way forward step-by-step, as what seemed to be solid and reliable might not appear so for now. As Neptune turns retrograde from today in your sector of talk and thought, agreements and promises might not be fulfilled as intended. And yet you may get more skilled at knowing who is not trustworthy and who is, which will be to your advantage.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With Neptune moving backwards from today in your money zone, you may want greater clarity on where your hard-earned income is going. And the more you delve into this, the more you'll want to streamline your affairs. With disciplined Saturn continuing in this same sector, it's time to create a budget that allows for special treats, but that enables you to save as well, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
As ethereal Neptune turns retrograde in your sign for some months, anything that's confused you could now come into focus. If there's something you haven't understood, it may become more transparent over the months ahead. This level of clarity can bring a few revelations. Work with them to make changes that could improve your life, social life and close relationships.