Horoscopes Friday 30th August 2019

Today's New Moon in diligent Virgo is an opportunity to initiate routines that might help us accomplish key goals.

And if we want to embrace life-enhancing habits, making a start now could help us stay on track. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 30th August 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 30th August 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Get ready for a day that could set you on a path which sparkles with promise. With a practical Virgo New Moon aligning with cutting-edge Uranus, you may get started on a job, project or a relationship, that can benefit you in a positive way. It might not be what you expected, instead it could be even better. Does it allow you to be true to yourself? That is all you really need. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

What truly nurtures us? It can be an important question, as the choices you make can help you find out. You'll have the opportunity to initiate something that allows you to express yourself at the deepest level, and it could be a skill or talent that does this for you. But a strong emotional bond can also claim your attention. Perhaps there's a way to compromise after all.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With a potent Sun/Moon link angling towards restless Uranus in a secluded and spiritual zone, you could become the channel for a brilliant idea that might change your life and perhaps that of others. If something inspires in a powerful way, write it down and consider how you might make it a reality. There is a sense that it could heal or ease key issues, whether in small or bigger ways.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With a freedom-loving influence in the mix today, you may get more satisfaction from getting involved in a new and far-reaching community project, than pleasure just for the sake of it. This isn't to say that you shouldn't go all out to enjoy yourself and do those things you relish, but more that joining in could open new doors and be rewarding in ways you might never have imagined.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Ready for the spotlight? A scintillating lunation that encourages you onwards, makes this an excellent time to promote an idea or project, especially if it is ahead of its time or offers alternative solutions to everyday issues. What moves you Leo? Your horoscope reveals you could make a stand concerning a cause you feel strongly about, and be eager to contribute in whatever way you can.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

This can be a sterling day to set off on a course of action that can take you in a completely new direction. The New Moon in your sign and its sparkling angle to maverick Uranus, can be just what is needed to get things off to the best start. Trust your feelings, as there may be distractions that could dissuade you from making your move, and this could be far more important to you.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You could feel quite emotional today for no good reason that you can fathom. Yet if you could take some quiet time to yourself you might understand why. Perhaps you have been suppressing your real feelings about a key matter because it was too difficult to acknowledge the truth. If certain insights suggest this, then it might spur you on to do something constructive.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

An intense conversation could set you thinking about how it would be to get to know someone in more depth. There may come a point when you sense that you genuinely chime with each other on topics that matter to both of you. Today's electric influences might also reveal something about them that surprises you. Rather than put you off, it can make you more eager to befriend them.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Trust your instincts and give an idea your best shot, especially if it can contribute to your security and financial wellbeing. A potent lunar aspect can be just what's needed to focus your attention on those details that might help you move forward. With Uranus in the mix, it may be tempting to take a short-cut, but to make the most of some fabulous influences, effort may be needed Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With cautious Saturn and potent Pluto, two very no-nonsense planets in your sign, you have probably been very serious about your intentions. Today though this can amp up a notch, and whatever message you want to share with the world will likely be delivered with conviction, making you ultra-persuasive. And whatever you're intent upon accomplishing, you'll be keen to do it your way.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Fully engaging with your feelings can be an empowering experience, and one that might push you to get help with an issue that you have kept quiet about. It may be that you feel alone in experiencing it, when there are likely many people going through something similar. Speaking to a trusted confidant can be the start of a gentle healing process that quickly gathers momentum.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Is a friend trying to micromanage your social schedule, and expecting you to turn up to events they want you to attend? Do you even have any say in the matter? This is not an ideal situation, especially if they become manipulative when you decline. Today's New Moon can inspire you not to give in again, even if it means more hassle. Refuse now and it should be easier next time.