Horoscopes Friday 2nd December 2016

Mercury, the planet of mind and communication, moves into the ambitious sign of Capricorn from today, which can see us liaising with those in authority.

We might also have more official forms to fill out and may need to take care of any admin that is required for official reasons. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 2nd December 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 2nd December 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

This can be an eventful time, and one that stretches over the weekend. It could kick start your festive season in a very lively way. You may have a few social events you could attend or perhaps one big occasion that can kindle a sense of excitement. Yet, something could emerge that has significance for the future, and that might expand your options in rather pleasing ways. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

It may be down to your resourcefulness that you find a way to finance an idea that could enhance your standing. If there is competition involved, a positive influence can see you dealing with this and perhaps exceeding your expectations. There could be a smaller goal too Taurus, as present influences could just as easily relate to a personal ambition that holds value for you.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Today and the next few days could see you and others making progress with an idea that may have been in the pipeline for some time. What might have started as a tentative plan could now be ready for lift off. If this is a team effort you might have to leave out more individual touches, but perhaps those can come later once things are truly underway, Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Circumstances can come together to make coming days and the coming month progressive. The groundwork may have been completed a while back with everything perhaps now aligning to nurture a goal or project and take it to the next level. This may be the time to take action as you can find that you gain financially. Even a little extra on a regular basis can soon add up.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

An encounter could prove exciting if someone on your wavelength proposes an idea that stirs up an ambition. While you may have known this person from day-to-day interactions you might find that they now become more of a friend and someone who may be just as keen as you to see this idea work out. If this goes well, there may be other joint opportunities Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Upbeat aspects that involve your lifestyle sector and your personal financial zone can bring an opportunity your way that might enhance your income or boost your security in general. This is likely something you have already been working towards, and what seems like good fortune may in reality be a result of sustained efforts that could be about to come to fruition.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

While you could have a number of projects on the go, you may find that the plan you have already been working on slowly but steadily is the one that now shows the greatest promise. It's possible that an event associated with it could prove to be really good news and something that might spur you on to continue your efforts. All in all, your horoscope hints you could feel really pleased with yourself.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

A skill or even a hobby you've been involved with for a long time could help enhance your income, and this in turn might enable you to enhance your quality of life, even if only in a small way. The present setup reveals that if you did start a home based or part time business it can prove very gratifying. Not least, this will enable you to express your creative energies more fully.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Your plans can vary, depending on who you link with in your social group or which conversation captures your interest. Even so, some ideas may be better than others so it can be helpful to discriminate between them. Over coming days you could find that it's your commitment to an activity or ongoing project that encourages others to join in and make it a success, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

As the Moon angles towards the expansive energies of Jupiter and merges with the compelling qualities of Pluto, you could feel drawn to get involved in a scheme that seems to offer a number of benefits. You might find though, that it may not offer the same solid outcome as another idea which may be low key but which could nurture you spiritually. If so, look to juggle both.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If you feel a surge of good energy then it may be because events associated with a group project or with your social circle seem to be taking a positive direction. And it could be because of the part you have played in getting things organised that all of this has special significance. Moreover, as this gains momentum it could develop along interesting lines in coming weeks.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Your input and efforts look to be bearing fruit and could be the reason that you're gaining a reputation for the work you do or for a cause that you wish to share with others. Over coming days you could find that certain insights may help you take things to a level higher. It may be that in a period of quiet or while your mind is preoccupied an inspired idea reveals new possibilities.