Horoscopes Friday 29th November 2019

As luscious Venus aligns with emancipated Uranus we may be seeking out new experiences that can bring a touch of excitement into the day.

This lively link could bring fascating encounters and the potential for an instant attraction. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday29th November 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 29th November 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may be so determined for a plan to work out, that you're willing to give your all to make it happen fast. With Mars in the intense Scorpio though, there is a chance that you'll try too hard. If anything, a buoyant approach may work out better. The more you can allow your sense of adventure to lead, the more things can begin to come together in truly pleasing ways Aries.  

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A goal or even an attraction to someone can be intense over coming days, and could mean that you find it hard to focus on anything else. It may seem there is a lot at stake, especially if you aren't sure what will happen next. However, even if matters don't pan out exactly as you hoped, a growing sense of optimism can begin to bubble up, and its affect could be profound Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Keen to persuade someone of something Gemini? If so, people usually follow their own inclinations unless what you are offering truly appeals. A focus on the facts could help your cause though. Mercury's link to sobering Saturn hints that if there is tangible proof, they may be more likely to listen. Still, someone can be drawn to you, and it might be for other reasons.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The coming days can be crucial to the further progress of a project or idea. A lot of what happens could hinge on other people and the decisions they take, and this might leave you with a sense that you have no control over matters. This isn't true though Cancer, as your creative input could inspire them in a very positive way. If you boldly share your ideas, thing can certainly pick up.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Have a lot on Leo? If so, you may benefit from purposely slowing down, especially if there are deadlines to meet or promises to keep. With Mercury and Mars in your home zone influencing your busy lifestyle sector, the suggestion is that by looking after yourself you will get more done. Your horoscope reveals it's wise to eat well, get enough rest and take some time out for a little self-care.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Been dreaming about someone? The reality of the situation may not match your fantasies Virgo, but it does let you know where you stand. If they feel the same about you, there may be one or two issues to resolve before you fully enjoy each other's company. But whatever you are aiming for there is hope on the horizon, as coming days can set the pace for a much more buoyant phase.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Should you talk about those feelings you have for that special someone, or keep them to yourself for now? The benefits of either course of action could seem equally valid, making it difficult to decide your next move. However, with luscious Venus your guide planet, making an exciting alignment, something may prompt you to share them anyway, and to be glad that you did Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Sparkling energies in your sector of communication can be just what is needed to encourage you to make the first move regarding a budding friendship, or to discuss a creative project. If you can link up with a key person over coming days, then you could take advantage of the sincere influences showing up to move things along. Ready to cement a key bond? Now is the time.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

As lovely Venus makes a lingering alignment with electric Uranus in your lifestyle zone, you may get a clear signal that you should connect with someone. This might not seem logical, but it is possible that they could help you accomplish something important, in which case, it can be worthwhile. Working together could be inspiring, as you'll likely bring out the best in each other.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Buoyed up by someone's recommendations, you may find yourself keen to join a group or club that promises to be quite an experience. If it feels right to you, then go for it. This can also be a time when a relationship begins to flourish based on a mutual attraction and a desire to get to know each other better. If this person is in a position of influence, their help can be invaluable.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You may spot an opportunity to pool experience and skills, so that you can pair up with another to do something positive. Bear in mind that this could put you in the limelight, whether in your local community, at work or in some other capacity. And it could be an opportunity to unite for a cause that you both support, or to do something that can make a difference to you and others.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Friends may be very keen for you to support them. And while it could be tempting to go along with their ideas, only do so if you aren't going to be roped into anything too demanding. If this is going to take time and energy, then either discuss it or refuse. Even so, the coming days can see a lively influence bringing new friends, new opportunities and a chance to enjoy the social scene.