Horoscopes Friday 27th May 2016

As Mars continues to rewind, it moves back into Scorpio from today until early August. As a result, this can be an opportunity to review our emotional and financial commitments.

While it may not be wise to make any spur-of-the-moment decisions, we do need to consider our investments and whether we are getting a good return on them or not. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 27th May 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 27th May 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Mars, your ruler, now reverses back into Scorpio and a sensitive zone of your chart, remaining there until early August. Though you can prefer things bright and breezy, this might see you shunning too much small talk and zeroing in on core issues. Anything to do with business, shared finances or deep emotional or intimate bonds can all come under the astral spotlight. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The planet of action spins back into your sector of relating, bringing a two month window of opportunity that can enable you to get a fresh perspective on certain relationships. If the pressure has been building then this influence, along with Mercury's tie to Pluto retrograde, might enable you to approach awkward issues with a greater degree of detachment and awareness.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The coming weeks can bring a chance to slow down and evaluate whether present activities are bringing the satisfaction you crave. If they are, then you might want to utilize Mars's new home to back up and consolidate progress where needed. If you're not, then the next two months can be a time of transition to something that might be better for you over the long-term.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With Pluto already retracing his steps in your sector of relating, you may have gleaned important insights regarding a key involvement. However, from today this ability to get a distance from deep-seated feelings is once more emphasized and remains so for a number of weeks. Indeed, if you can begin to discuss them, your horoscope suggests this might be a factor in cementing or rebuilding trust.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

A Sun Moon connection reveals that your head and heart may be in agreement when it comes to an outing with friends or a lively social event. However, a lunar link to Saturn might encourage a more cautious approach regarding giving too much away. If you need to talk things through, progress may be better made by leaving your feelings out of the equation, at least for now.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

One of the best ways to impress others is to be a good listener – and the present picture can certainly be helpful. Indeed, this could be a theme over coming days as well as weeks and months. Prompting others to express their views might enable partnerships and creative relationships to deepen, and bring sparkle to both friendships and business links alike.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With the powerful Mars retracing his steps in your sector of value, the coming ten weeks or so can be excellent for recycling goods, sourcing key items from recommended suppliers and making wise choices around how your money is invested or spent. The upshot can be that you gain over the long-term, and you could develop ingenuous ways to marshal resources.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As Mars, your co-ruler, returns back into your sign from today, you can feel a burst of energy to get a firmer grip on your life direction. However, to ring in the kind of changes you may be envisioning, you might need to let go of something. It can be a person or personal issue, but it's just as likely to be certain edgy emotions that have been the cause of angst.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The coming weeks can be an opportunity to go in search of answers or to find the closure you may have been seeking. If you feel you could benefit from a period of introspection, then take time to yourself where possible to connect with your emotions and to begin to feel more at home with yourself and your deepest needs. You may find you become more settled as a result.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The Aquarius Moon makes a harmonious tie to Saturn in a more private zone of your chart, which might alert you to resources you had forgotten about. These can include creative ideas that you might have written down and then discarded for some reason. Even so, going through your writings, dream diary or sketch pad could prove very fruitful over the coming days.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The movement of Mars back into your sector of career, responsibility and ambition could be a call to tweak your plans and reconsider your priorities regarding the weeks and months ahead. Although this might appear to be a backward step, it could be just what's needed to get an idea off on a more realistic footing. And, if friends can step in and help they may well do so.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With Mercury firming up its connection to deep Pluto, the coming days can see you getting more focused and keen to engage with others, especially if you have an event to organize or a plan you're keen to get moving on. If a decision has been pending then the information you've been waiting for may now become available, allowing you to move ahead in a timely manner.