Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Friday 26th May 2017

With sociable Venus making an awkward angle to the potent energies of Pluto, we may be keen to make an impression on someone in authority.

However, the way we go about this is important, as if we try too hard to attract attention then it could backfire when doing our best will likely be more than enough. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 26th May 2017 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 26th May 2017

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Moderation may be essential over coming days, as an awkward blend of energies suggests there could be friction with someone in authority or at work. Is it really worth it though? It likely is not Aries, as you can find that with Mercury linking to Neptune, a leading issue might not be as clear-cut as it seems. Consider walking away from a full-on clash of wills. Your time will come again. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A focus on your sector of resources, along with yesterday's New Moon in this location, might encourage you to consider your present financial setup. This can be an opportunity to check out various services such as water and your utilities to see if you're getting the best deal. You may find that looking around and doing careful research can spotlight ways to make some key savings.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Something could happen over coming days that encourages you to come to terms with a situation that you had hoped someone else would tackle. However, if you're willing to handle certain responsibilities and obligations, then the extra effort needed can bring benefits and rewards. And although it could seem inconvenient at this time, things could well progress from here.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

As Venus continues to make an awkward angle to Pluto, it is possible that someone may change an aspect of their life, which in turn could require you to be flexible and revise an area of yours. While it might be all too easy to resist and to insist on doing what you want to do, in practice your horoscope suggests that going along with them can bring a fresh perspective and new opportunities.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

It is possible that you may be reading too much into a situation that might not actually be there. The issue you can be facing could be ordinary enough, but the cosmic backdrop suggests your imagination can come into play and lead you to believe otherwise. However, one way to handle this might be to run with your instincts as in this instance they are unlikely to let you down.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If you want to be in the spotlight, then this is the time to let influential and ambitious people know what you can do. With a lively focus in your chart and yesterday's New Moon still encouraging you, this is very much a time to take that leap of faith. If you're already well versed in certain activities, then it may be even easier to rise to new challenges and succeed than you imagine.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

A stirring focus on your sector of far horizons could act as a catalyst that can encourage you to explore fresh options. The idea of stepping into the unknown can actually seem really exciting rather than daunting. You might even find the opportunity to connect with new ideas that challenge you in a way you might find very enjoyable and that could benefit you over the long-term.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Should you feel riled by a loved one, you may be tempted to say more than is ideal. But as Mercury aligns with Neptune, stellar forces are enticing you to adopt a sensitive approach to your interactions with others. Look to put yourself in this person's proverbial shoes. If you do, you could see things very differently, and this may see you react in a more considered way, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

A positive focus on your sector of relating encourages you to meet others halfway and to explore options that can entice you to form a partnership and work as a team. In addition, with the Moon making a positive link to Venus, this is also an opportunity for a lovely evening out with a friend or group, or perhaps to enjoy a date with that special person. Passions can be rekindled.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If you feel energetic, enthusiastic and excited, this could be due to a lively focus on your lifestyle zone. There is so much of interest around you, and you may want to explore much of it. Even so, you might be better to pick just one or two projects as any more than this could mean energies are scattered and nothing much is accomplished. Your usual focused approach will work best.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Even if it is counter to your normal instincts, it may be better to keep one key plan close to your chest. With the planet of drive Mars entering your lively sister air sign of Gemini, your dynamism can be supercharged triggering a hugely creative process. To capitalize, stay single minded and that's why a less open approach may be your best bet for the time being, Water Carrier.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Over the next day or so, you could be more impulsive when it comes to speaking out. But actually letting people know your true feelings may be crucial to keeping your relationships on an even keel. Every now and then, it can actually be very helpful to reaffirm our boundaries, and especially for your sign, when you can sometimes be so very self sacrificing with others.