Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Friday 26th July 2024

Transiting Chiron turns retrograde from today in the sign of Aries which could find us turning inwards to reflect on past experiences.

Over the coming weeks and months we are likely to be more proactive about seeking healing if it is necessary. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 26th July 2024 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 26th July 2024

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With healing Chiron rewinding in your sign since yesterday, you may be eager to face up to something that's been an issue for a while. Rather than blame circumstances you might want to look at your part in this. Perhaps your attitude could change, or feelings need to be aired. Although this won't happen overnight, a focus on resolving this might bring positive change.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The emphasis on a private zone suggests you may be standing back from life and seeing everything from a different perspective. This is enhanced by celestial body Chiron turning retrograde from today in a secluded zone. You'll be ready to root out the source of any deep-seated issues and to keep at this until you sense it's resolved, enabling you to flourish.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Chiron's backward dance could prompt a revisiting of friendships that may have hit a rough patch. This is your chance to address and mend misunderstandings or hurts that have lingered quietly. The process of healing won't be instant, as it requires patience and genuine dialogue. Your horoscope suggests you see it as an opportunity to clear the air and rebuild stronger, more understanding connections.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

What's stopping you from being as successful as you want? You're likely aware of faults that have held you back for some time. With celestial body Chiron in reverse in your career zone, you may be ready to act on this issue. If you have a mental block against doing those things that could assist you most, a mentor or life coach may know exactly what to do to help you out.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

As Chiron begins its retro phase in your adventure zone, it's time to confront any fears of the unknown. You're being challenged to step out of your comfort zone and embark on literal and metaphorical journeys. While the idea of venturing into new territory can be daunting, these challenges are not just obstacles, as they can also be gateways to immense personal growth.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Therapeutic Chiron goes into reverse, bringing a period of healing and introspection. Whether it's a romance, friendship or business partnership that didn't pan out, now is the time to address the wounds of rejection and learn from them. This retrograde phase urges you to reflect on past hurts not to reopen them, but to understand and heal them, and to grow stronger from the experience.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Aware of a flaw in a relationship? With Chiron the healer now regressing, it may be time to consider your part in this. It takes two to tango Libra, and although it might seem that a situation is largely their fault, there could be aspects of it that involve you as well. This will require great honesty on your behalf, as it's so easy to blame others. But it can make a big difference.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Chiron's retro phase signals a potent time for addressing any health issues you may have sidelined. This is an opportunity to dive deep into the root causes of any discomfort or imbalance and seek professional guidance to heal. Whether it's physical, emotional or spiritual, taking this step can enhance your well-being. Your true strength will show up through healing and renewal.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Ready to face your fears head-on? Chiron's retro phase nudges you to conquer any anxieties that mute self-expression, whether they manifest in showcasing your artistic talents or stepping up in your romantic life. Perhaps you've hesitated to display your work publicly or to ask someone out. Use this period to delve into why these fears hold sway and actively work to dismantle them.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Is something about your home life getting to you? You might be able to do more to resolve this than you think, Capricorn. It involves getting in touch with your feelings, even if doing so seems messy and inconvenient. But they may hold vital clues about what's wrong, and if you can go to the next step and talk about them, it might ease tension and put things in a much better light.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Feel ill at ease around speaking out or public speaking? The current cosmic shift invites you to explore and conquer these fears. Felt hindered in expressing your ideas or taking to the stage? Now is the perfect time to investigate the roots of this hesitation. Consider courses, coaching or practicing in safe spaces to build confidence. Free up your voice and let your ideas flow.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

As Chiron turns retrograde in Aries and your financial zone, this influence highlights underlying insecurities that might be affecting your financial health and decisions. Perhaps it's a mindset that sees you undervaluing your worth or hesitating around key negotiations. Perhaps it's time to understand your true value, not just in monetary terms but also as the unique individual you are.

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