There are two big events today, the first is that Pluto ends a 5 1/2 months retrograde. The second sees Mars power in to the sign of Virgo but square up with the restrictive Saturn. Tension can be palpable.
And although Pluto is now forwards it does continue to square up to Mercury. We might not feel any instant change from this, anything to do with transformation in our lives will be subtly affected. Mars moving into Virgo however, can, once it gets beyond the square with Saturn, be very positive, and unlike its transit through Leo, which demands plenty of attention, now it encourages us to focus on finer details and working hard on achieving tangible results. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 25th September 2015 please read below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Mars makes its way into Virgo. Here he asks you over the next six weeks, to be as productive and hard working as possible. However, this requires you to really focus on details, and not get sidetracked. Immediately he squares up with Saturn, suggesting commitments can compete with your desire to do your own thing.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Mars moves into a much better location for you today, Taurus. This is going to do wonders for your personal energy and charisma in the weeks to come, but ironically perhaps not between now and the end of September. Saturn will be doing all he can to stop you from being more self expressive. This could cause frustration.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
In the next week Gemini, you may need to apply a lot of patience around one family member or close relationship. Someone could be quite judgemental, unco-operative or frustrating, however much you try to bend and be more flexible towards them. Fortunately, if you retain a sense of perspective, you can win them around. {copytag:[615]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
This can be a time of significant changes around where and how you live. This could be in terms of your everyday routines, a domestic organisation or it may be more about becoming more self disciplined about health and dietary issues. You can also find yourself with a lot more nervous energy, so you will need to find outlets for this.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The Sun and Saturn are helping you to organise your thinking and how you can articulate any creative ideas. You can do so in a way that people will understand and be respectful about. However, you may need to rein in any temptation to compare your talents with those of other people, but in a more negative way.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With Mars arriving in your zodiac sign, some recent ups and downs in your emotional state can start to level out. But this is not going to be a panacea for all your frustrations, due to its immediate square with the restrictive energies of Saturn. You can pick up momentum, but it needs to be at a pace which you can really sustain.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Saturn becomes a key player today, and continuing its fine angle to the Sun in Libra, it can help you to shape any new ideas or plans in a really solid way. However, in its aspect to Mars it can be more challenging, and it can feel as if one person who knows your background, is making pointed and unfair barbs.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Past toil can bring about improvements to your financial situation now. Ironically, despite this, you may have to be more realistic about certain fiscal strands and particularly one for the future. Any moves around this can seem to go very slowly, and you could encounter a lot of frustrating obstacles. Keep chipping away.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Mars arrives in the area which can give you an enormous amount of extra self-confidence over the next six weeks. But ironically between now and the end of the month it's clashing with Saturn, newly arrived back in your sign. Co-operation is going to be the key to progress, without it someone influential can seem hypercritical.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Your celestial guiding influence Saturn, plays both good and bad cop today. The upside can see you using determined discretion to work quietly on your own towards any key aims. Then again, you may have a confidential discussion, that can prove telling. Less helpfully, someone may be unkind behind your back.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Pluto ends a long five and a half month backward trawl today. If you have found yourself experiencing heavy psychological pressures, this will ease things. With the Sun also pushing you to be more adventurous and independent, but angling well with Saturn a gathering with very close and trusted friends can lift you.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may find yourself becoming more proactive in relationship matters from now. In fact, the up-coming five weeks could prove pivotal. However, one area of interaction which can require care between now and the turn of the month is around groups. There may be more underlying politics and infighting than you realised.