Happy Christmas. Today's Full Moon in Cancer is going to push our feelings closer to the surface. This can lead to some sentimental exchanges, and perhaps a few passionate ones too.
The exuberant energies of Jupiter are also forging a wonderful angle to Mercury and Venus, which can increase the potential for goodwill to all persons. We just need to stay away from contentious subjects with Mercury and Mars still stressing one another out. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 25th December 2015 please see below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The spirit of Christmas may be very much in evidence as a magical Moon Neptune connection adds a special touch to the day ahead. Children in the family may be particularly enthused while you too could lose yourself in pleasant memories. And if responsibilities do intrude into events, determine to take them in your festive stride.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With the presence of a lively Full Moon, the atmosphere can be perfect for a day of celebration – even if things do get a little boisterous at times. A long chat with those who live abroad or at a distance, can seem all the more poignant this year. Someone close may also have a happy announcement to make as well!
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A spirit of generosity prevails today, and could leave you feeling quite touched, not only by the gifts you receive, but also by the thoughtfulness of a significant other. In addition, with the very sociable Mercury Jupiter tie still bubbling away, this can help you to be particularly in touch with what's really meaningful.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The Full Moon in your sign can make for a very special festive celebration, although it'd be wise not to give yourself too much to do. Many hands can make light work so don't feel you can't let go of a little bit of control. If one exact detail of the day does not quite meet your expectations, hold that it's people that really matter.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Although today's Full Moon can see you seeking out peace and quiet after a hectic week, it may not be immediately forthcoming. However Leo, all you need do is turn on your consummate people skills and give your best performance. Later, when everyone's gone home and the peace has descended you can finally slow down.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may find yourself at the heart of the action, with Christmas promising to be a very lively occasion involving your regular and extended family. The more the merrier may be your motto. However, there are still some discordant planetary energies, and these suggest you extend generosity and look to talk properly another time.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Today's Full Moon hints that to make the most of Yule, don't have too many expectations and instead try to go with the flow. Your feelings, or those of someone you are closely entwined with or related to, are much closer to the surface, so, think of a mental abacus and count to ten and beyond if someone is in anyway ungracious.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
As Christmas can be a time of rare get-togethers, there may be unspoken issues that intrude into the proceedings. If you sense that someone needs to talk, broach the subject early on, as it should make the rest of the day more relaxed for everyone. Mind, if you yourself have been bottling something up, it can fizz to the surface.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The Moon's tie with Neptune can make for a special atmosphere that young and old can equally enjoy. Indeed, today's ambiance may well make up for any downsides. Though the atmosphere could get very hectic at times, there seems to be plenty of opportunities for laughter, even if one or two things don't go as expected.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Although today's Full Moon can spotlight heightened emotions within a relationship, it may also encourage a release of emotion in the hope of clearing the air. If you are a Goat who is generally more self contained about your feelings, it could prove harder than usual to keep any issues close to your chest, even if you'd prefer.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The present focus on the more private part of your chart might spotlight the spiritual forces that underlie the giving of presents and celebrations associated with Christmas. Indeed, it might also be the reason you feel moved to give someone a tangible offer of support, which could mean far more to them than any material gift.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Today's Full Moon lights up your social sector and hints at a day filled with merriment and goodwill. However, the urge to reach out to others who may need some company is very much evident. The inclusive Full Moon along with a Neptune tie can see you keen to include someone who might otherwise spend the day alone.