Horoscopes Friday 24th July 2020

The Moon in Virgo opposes hazy Neptune in Pisces which can put us in the mood to drift and dream. Guided by our imagination we may find our creative abilities enhanced.

It's best not to commit to anything important without reading the small print though. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 24th July 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 24th July 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With a strong focus on the materialistic aspects of your chart, the current Virgo Moon encourages you to attend to practical matters. As it aligns with dynamic planets, it's an opportunity to root out any areas of fuzzy thinking and to be crystal clear on what you want to accomplish. Still, with the Sun newly in Leo, thoughts of fresh adventures won't be far from your mind Aries. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If you make current tasks and chores more interesting, it will take half the time to complete them. With the Moon in a playful sector aligning with key planets, it may be time to add a little creative license to your thinking and planning. If you are about to grasp an opportunity or have decisions to make, tuning into your muse might give you an imaginative and alternative perspective.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With the Sun in your sector of communication and lovely Venus continuing in your sign, the idea of making new connections with those who share your ideas and ideals can be thrilling. If any aspect of your work or life seems at a standstill, there is always someone who knows what to do and who can help you out, if you ask. Reaching out to them could be a revelation and a relief.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

There may be lots to discuss and organize today, and this can keep you busy. Don't get too bogged down in the details and make things more complicated than they need to be Cancer. It helps to get your priorities in order so that you don't spend too much time on activities that won't have that much impact. Try to focus on those things that could move your life forward.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If you're prepared to make a wise investment, then much good could come from it. With the Moon angling towards expansive Jupiter and potent Pluto, consider taking advantage of an opportunity that may not come to fruition for a while. If you start working on it now Leo, you will be well prepared. This could give you an advantage that others will find hard to beat.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With the Sun moving through a private zone, it's time to finish off projects that have been hanging over you for some time. It's also an opportunity to find closure on issues that now need to be put to rest. Plus, the Moon makes lively ties, and can help you realise how staying with the tried and trusted might be holding you back, when adopting newer ideas could lead to success.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

There are very sociable opportunities showing up, making this one of the better times to move in new circles and connect with those who can help you fulfil your goals and plans. With upbeat Mercury angling towards fiery Mars though, you and another could experience a conflict of ideas. Yet with your diplomatic skills, something upbeat and positive might emerge from this.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The old and the new can vie for attention Scorpio, with the Sun in your sector of plans and goals encouraging a creative approach to your career, business and ambitions. Similarly, with Mars in Aries, the cosmos is asking you to be a little more spontaneous, and not to stay so tightly in control that you miss out on some wonderful opportunities. Might it be time to loosen up just a little?

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Freedom means a lot to you Archer, and with red-hot Mars in Aries spurring you on and the Sun in an opportunistic sector inspiring you to move out of your comfort zone, it may be time to get moving on idea that could set you on a new path. At this time though, your horoscope suggests you can also be thinking about your financial and job security, so take this into account when planning any changes.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If things seem to be standing still or even going backwards, then upbeat Jupiter's alignment with ethereal Neptune encourages you to explore sparkling and imaginative ideas. This might mean reaching out to people who have accomplished what you hope to do. Watching movies and researching other options could help you locate fresh opportunities and ramp-up enthusiasm.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If an issue or problem is keeping you stuck in limbo, the presence of fiery Mars in Aries encourages you to talk about it so that you can begin to let it go. While this may not happen overnight, you could find the help of a life coach or counsellor assists you in moving on and finding new levels of peace and well-being. With renewed energy you might accomplish more.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With the Moon in your sector of relating opposing mystical Neptune, there is potential for mixed messages. It's also possible you understand someone only too well, but prefer to ignore their persistent messages and communications. If so, it may be better to be honest with them and say it like it is Pisces, otherwise they might continue in the hope that you will give them what they want.

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