Horoscopes Friday 23rd February 2018

With harmonious Venus angling towards proactive Mars in Sagittarius, we may find ourselves drawn to a philosophy or a teacher who can provide understanding.

Something or someone may call out to us and could show us a way to overcome any difficulties we may be facing. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 23rd February 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 23rd February 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

There may be all kinds of possibilities floating around in your mind, but today's Quarter Moon can see you dusting one or two ideas off, and perhaps talking them over with friends. You might also want to do some research to see what is possible. On another note, the coming days can see you making a decision that resolves a key issue, leaving you much happier as a result. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You could find yourself computating the cost of being in a group or a club, especially if you haven't put in as much effort in this regard as intended. Thoughts about downgrading your membership or even giving up altogether, may be on your mind Taurus. And this doesn't only relate to money, your horoscope suggests it could be a question of not having the time to get more important things done.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Today's Quarter Moon in your sign, can be a call to think more about your present direction in life and whether it is what you truly want. If you have had your doubts, this lunar phase can bring them to the surface and may lead to you making a few adjustments. On another note, if signing anything of importance over coming days, it can be very wise to look into the details.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may find it helpful to listen to your intuition regarding activities that could be the making of you Cancer. If you note an inner push and a feeling of excitement when you think about them, then this suggests you are likely on the right track. You may feel awkward about moving out of your comfort zone, which is natural, but if you sense this is the right move it can be so worth it.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may wonder whether you should take a budding relationship or a creative project further Leo. Cosmic forces indicate that you could have a few reservations that are likely holding you back. However, today's lunar phase suggests talking this over with your friends, as they may see your situation in an entirely different light, and this could be the key to making a wise decision.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Don't feel bad about making your feelings known, even if you sense that others or another, might not want you to. By airing your views, you could bring things out into the open where they can be properly discussed. And this might be a turning point that leads to a better outcome. Someone may keep their thoughts to themselves, and if so, you might have to continue without their input.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You may have a lot on your plate and feel somewhat overwhelmed, and yet another side of you may long to escape and do something different. Today's lunation might even push you to take a little time out so you can do some exploring. Even if this means looking further into a subject of great interest or going on an impromptu trip, a break from routine can do you much good Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Don't feel as though you have to hurry a relationship along Scorpio. It can seem that if you don't do something fast, the progress you have made could be lost. You might find that the opposite is more true though, and that by taking your time you won't give the impression that you are over eager. If the other person sees that you are relaxed, then they might be the one to draw closer to you.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Getting everyone together to discuss a family matter can be a positive move Archer. Today's Quarter Moon suggests that any decisions made as a group could be a milestone, and a crucial part of an ongoing project or process. However, as the Moon also links with ethereal Neptune, it might be just as well to make sure that everyone understands exactly what should happen next.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Talking about how to do something can be one thing, but doing it may be quite another, as you could find out over the course of the day. What seemed so easy while discussing things could be much more complex once you make a start. However, as you get over any initial muddles and confusion, you could find that what you learn from this situation can stand you in good stead.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Today's Quarter Moon could be a call to consider any investments regarding your creative skills. If you have been involved in a project, this can be a good time to take a look at the costs involved and to consider whether you might make a few savings. On a more social note, although a friend may have different values to you Aquarius, you could still greatly benefit from their company.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If you need to make a family-related decision, today's potent lunation encourages you to get everyone together, so you can share your various viewpoints. There may be areas where opinions are opposed to each other and a potential source of conflict, and you may need to be the one who enables a compromise. It can be done, although you might need to proceed with some sensitivity.