As the Sun moves into the sign of Leo from today it emphasises creativity and leisure options. It also spotlights romance and dating opportunties.
In fact, the coming four weeks may sizzle with promise and passion. However, as Leo is also the sign of drama, it helps to avoid unnecessary theatrics. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 22nd July 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 22nd July 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
If the emotional side of life has dominated recently, then coming weeks could show a marked contrast. With the Sun moving into your leisure sector and joining Mercury and Venus, it's time to enjoy life. And whether it's a hobby, playing sports or other fun diversions, you'll probably find that the chance to unwind can help ease any tensions and allow you to recharge. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
While the Moon amps up your social sector in time for the weekend, the Sun enters your home zone for a four week stretch, which can entice you to enjoy time to yourself. Invite friends back to your place if you need company today and catch up on their news in the sanctity of your own space. If you haven't pampered yourself for a while, why not consider doing so?
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You have a naturally curious side that loves to explore intriguing ideas. Indeed, it may be the reason you're able to zero in on the latest opportunities. As the Sun moves into your sector of talk and thought you may find your interest in studying, brainstorming and socializing is enlivened. The next few weeks could prove to be some of the best in a while for new discoveries.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
As the Sun dances into Leo and one of the more enterprising sectors of your chart, you may notice greater motivation to get money-spinning projects underway, whether this means selling unwanted items or finding other ways to drum up extra cash. Indeed, whatever you can do for yourself to feel more secure could have a positive effect, boosting your mood overall.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
As the Sun swings into your sign from today for a four week stay, it's time to think about yourself, especially if you've been busy helping out friends and family. You might also notice how much more control you have over your life, and be keen to put energy into new projects that have personal meaning for you. It's the time to be the star you are, so shine brightly.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As Mercury and Venus are joined by the Sun in a secluded sector of your chart, you're in a reflective phase that may encourage you to get to know yourself better. At the same time you may be motivated to make more sacrifices than usual to help out others. Don't forget that you also have needs of your own that you shouldn't ignore, so do think of your needs too.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Your social life gets a boost from today as the Sun dances in and joins the celebration Venus and Mercury have already begun. While this might encourage you to expand your social circle, you could also connect with some of life's movers and shakers. You may find yourself in your element, and more easily able to impress whoever you choose, Libra. Get to it!
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
As the focus on your sector of goals and ambitions increases, you may find yourself thinking more intensely about your plans for the future. If you're not sure how you might succeed at an idea that could be a challenge, the first step might be to ask others who have done what you hope to. It's very possible that their experience enables you to learn some shortcuts.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If life has been somewhat intense, then the movement of the Sun into your sector of exploration can refresh your sense of adventure. As this will be a focus for the coming four weeks, so you'll have plenty of opportunity to venture into the unknown and expand your horizons. Your horoscope suggests that side of you that really appreciates being a free spirit can also burgeon from this.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Over coming weeks your focus can intensify, encouraging you to give your all to an idea that you consider a worthy investment. Equally, you might want to pool resources with someone to begin a business venture or complete a project that is jointly meaningful to you both. Try not to narrow your focus too much, as other issues may require attention too.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With the Sun, your relationship planet, in its home patch for the next four weeks, you should find your interactions generally upbeat. You have a natural appreciation of co-operation and give and take, but now you can seem to get the same level of consideration back from others too. Singleton? This is a time when you can seriously become a person of interest!
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With Mercury and Venus currently aiding you in your quest for better health and overall fitness, you may already be well into your latest diet or exercise routine. From today though, the Sun dances into your lifestyle zone, encouraging you to take stock and consider how well you're doing. Are there improvements still to make? Perhaps, but don't push too hard, Pisces.