The Sun may well be getting a toe hold in the airy energies of Aquarius, but the Moon goes into a T Square with Uranus, Mercury and Pluto today. Although this influence is lightening quick lasting a few hours, it can be telling.
The serenity that the Moon in Cancer often brings, by asking us to tune into the things that make us feel secure and peaceful can certainly be challenged. The normal order may be harder to maintain and tensions may break out. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 22nd January 2016 please see below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Are you so caught up in a conflict with someone in authority that other aspects of your life are paling into insignificance? If so, even positive nudges from someone close may fail to register on your radar. Consider if it's possible you might be blocking their input from your awareness because they could be spotlighting an uncomfortable truth?
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A viewpoint or belief could be a sticking point that's preventing you from moving forwards. It could be a pattern you've inherited from childhood or an idea you've given a lot of credence to and are reluctant to part from. Nevertheless Taurus, the influence of Uranus may be responsible for dismantling it, whether you're ready or not.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You may be registering a lot of excitement at this time – or is this nervous tension Gemini? This may be partly due to the coming Full Moon affecting you and instilling in you a greater sense of urgency. Should you do anything about it? It may be better to resist being impulsive as the complete picture might not show up until
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
What someone says and what they really mean can be two very different things, as you may be about to find out. Indeed, the on-going and intense Mercury Pluto conjunction suggests they may go to great lengths to cover their tracks. And it could be because they know something which gives them a big advantage. If you ask, they could relent, but not just yet. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Leo 24 July – 23 August
As Venus glides through the last two degrees of your leisure sector celebrate the last month, a time when you may feel you've run the gamut of pleasurable experiences. Now you need to prepare for a more rigorous regime to get you back on track. Wait a few days though, as the coming Full Moon could see you enjoying one last jolly.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may be absorbed in one idea or opportunity, yet could completely shut out another that is worthy of your consideration. The reason for doing so could be that it scares you a little – and perhaps demands that you stretch yourself in uncomfortable ways. Even so, this is what growth is all about with no pain, no gain, as a friend may remind you.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
What if someone who's been a thorn in your side has a valid point? There is something about the present planetary picture that suggests you may be clinging to an idea that could be somewhat disempowering and a legacy from the past. When you feel able Libra, consider if their niggling suggestion might actually hold any truth for you.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Sometimes all it takes is a nugget of information to connect us with our own knowing, whether we pick up a book or see a billboard or bumper sticker that speaks to us, or overhear something we feel inspired by. This can happen for you now. Equally, you could dismiss such alerts, but don't be hasty, for one can be key to unlocking a complex situation.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The Sun newly in your sector of everyday communications can invite new perspectives. This is essential, because force of habit could see you hanging onto values that could do with a bit of tweaking if you're to advance. Indeed, Saturn's link to Uranus goes even further suggesting a radical shift might revolutionize your values in general.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Putting in a large amount of effort doesn't always guarantee the best outcome, wisdom is key too. However, the intense Mercury Pluto connection in your sign may be the reason why you can't seem to help yourself do all that you can. You may think that just one more push might do the deed, when in fact help may come from a totally unexpected quarter.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
It could dawn on you how liberating it might be to let go of an issue that you've been concerned with for some time. If you haven't as yet considered this, then give it some thought. Indeed, the elevating and detached vibe associated with the Sun in your sign can give you a taste of freedom that you might want to sample some more.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
What you find entertaining and motivating may not interest some of your friends. After all why should everyone always be on the same wavelength to us? Mind, on this occasion you might even wonder what bought you together in the first place. Even so, this test could actually engender a positive change over the coming weeks that benefits you all.