Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Friday 21st February 2020

As feisty Mars in Capricorn aligns with electric Uranus in Taurus it can be easier to channel inspired ideas in practical ways.

We might also seek to change areas of life that have become too limiting but will do so in a way that is strategic and structured. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 21st February 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 21st February 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may have to marshal your energy carefully, for with a Mars/Uranus link showing, the coming days can see you stirring up a touch of chaos all in the name of liberty. Is this the kind of freedom you want though, especially as there is a likelihood that you might undo something you've worked hard for? A pause for thought can prevent you from making a rash move and encourage a better way.  

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You may be a law unto yourself Taurus, and others could be surprised at your rebellious approach to life, even if it does stem from a desire for a fresh start. However, this is an important time for you and one in which the cosmos is encouraging you to step out of your usual comfort zone and try something new. Ready to move forward? Say yes to opportunities to take that leap of faith.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may have a cast-iron determination to get something done, when out of the blue an event scuppers your schedule. Be prepared to be flexible over coming days and to have other plans ready if necessary. Feel restless and edgy? A hearty walk or hike, or perhaps a good workout, could leave you feeling soothed. Attending a social event? A golden opportunity can show up.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A meeting could prove empowering and very liberating. Something about this person can touch you and their approach to life might be refreshingly different. If you feel moved to take their advice, you could benefit greatly. At the same time, an edgy Moon/Uranus aspect could find you seeking excitement. Avoid impulsive actions though, as they might be a cause of regret.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may be called to help out in a critical work situation or with something that needs urgently attending to. And yet you could gain from this if you are willing to give a hand. A door may open, or an opportunity can show up that could take you into exciting terrain. Have an issue? Your horoscope suggests the cutting-edge solution can be best, while the tried and trusted could disappoint Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With the Moon heightening feelings around a Mars/Uranus aspect, this can be a time of reckoning. If you have put up with an edgy situation for too long, you may be ready to say all those things that have been building up. There may be another way to channel this pent-up energy though, and it could help avoid a spat. Consider a hearty walk or a workout for a calming effect.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

If you have felt burdened by responsibilities, the feisty tie between Mars and Uranus could help to rectify this, but not without a conversation that could be sparky rather than sparkling. Plus, if tensions have been building, the Moon's alignment with this liberating aspect could cause feelings to emerge. There is a way out and it might mean pleasing yourself for a change.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Sometimes it can be difficult to let go of an idea in which you have invested a lot of energy, but you may have no choice over coming days. The more you try to focus, the more events might scupper your plans. A positive yet emancipating aspect could be a call to drop this if it isn't working and to embrace another way. And a conversation could act as a catalyst in this regard.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Get ready for an unexpected opportunity to earn extra cash Archer. This might be a one-off or it could be ongoing, even if sporadic. The coming days can also see you investing money that might enhance your well-being, but it could be done on impulse rather than something you have been planning for a while. This isn't to say that it is a bad idea, as it could revolutionize your lifestyle.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The chemistry you feel around someone could prove irresistible, but that doesn't mean you should give in and run with those feelings. If anything Capricorn, it might be wiser to hold back, as a chaotic blend of energies could cause emotional fallout. Your instincts seem to be spot on though, and if you sense this might be good for you, then take it slowly. There's no need to rush.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

What is it about your home and family life that you would like to change the most? The coming days can assist you in finding a way forward. And you may be particularly open to ideas and conversations that could help make your ideas a reality. Have an intuitive nudge to call someone? If so, it may be a rewarding chat Aquarius, and one that coincides with an opportunity.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You could find someone's company quite exhilarating, and the ideas you discuss even more so Pisces. With the energy of change very much in the air, the coming days can see you eager to explore fresh options, especially those that can lend new perspectives to ongoing issues. And if you do get an unexpected invite to an event, do attend, as an exciting encounter could uplift you.


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