Horoscopes Friday 21st December 2018

The Sun moves into ambitious Capricorn from today for a four week stay, which can see us eager to forge ahead with key goals and plans.

However, we will want to see positive developments and for this reason may be ready to put in some hard work. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 21st December 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 21st December 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With a focus on your worldly sector, the urge to express yourself and to showcase your talents can get more serious. If you have a skill, you might want to take it further by getting tuition or doing your best to teach yourself. You may also be inspired by the work of others. Reading their books or motivational videos could see you spurred to try harder and up your game. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You could find yourself drawn to someone and keen to know more. Equally, you might drift into events almost by accident, and especially if you have no fixed plan over coming days. Yet this is what could make this time so deeply interesting and appealing. And although responsibilities can call out to you, there may be no harm in putting one or two of them on hold.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Getting along with others can be easier now, bringing opportunities your way for travel and networking. But a sultry aspect linked to the work scene, hints at romance that could get going at an office or work party. It could be mutual, or you may sense that the time and atmosphere are ripe to let another know how you feel. Exciting stuff, but with an element of exposure.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

An open and honest conversation could result in an opportunity you hadn't expected. The Sun's move into your relationship zone from now, encourages you to take such offers seriously. Was it meant or just a flippant remark? If it is important to you, then it's worth pursuing. Show you are in earnest and things could get moving fast, which is just what you want.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Although leisure plans can get spicier over coming days, you may find yourself contemplating a new idea that involves hard work. This is nothing new Leo, as you are used to daily effort, and if this is worth your while you'll happily dig in. Still, you may have reserved today for a special treat that involves romance. An evening with a loved one could make you very happy indeed.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If you've been waiting for confirmation that you should do the thing you most want to do, you may get it now or over coming days. Tomorrow's Full Moon in your sector of long-term wishes, can make it so obvious that you might wonder why you doubted yourself. If you need further proof, discuss it with close ones, for their enthusiasm could tell much the same story.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Treat your body like the precious resource it is, and give it some tender loving care. And if this involves going to a yoga class or keeping your schedule at the gym, then so be it. There's a big plus to all of this that might encourage you onwards. Romantic opportunities can increase when you decide that you will be healthier and adjust your routines to make it a reality.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With the Moon and Venus angling towards ambient Neptune in your leisure zone, this isn't a day for too much busyness. Hide your to-do list if you dare, as it will still be where you left it in a few hours. What you want is less stress, so sidestep anything that might increase anxiety and opt for activities that soothe your system. Your horoscope reveals that even an hour with a good book can be healing.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

There will be plenty of time for rocking and rolling over coming days, so don't feel guilty if your body encourages you to relax and enjoy homely comforts, rather than head out with friends. If a movie calls out to you, kick back and enjoy it. If creative inspiration encourages you to break out the paints or craft materials, run with it. Doing nothing much can heal and recharge you.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

As the Sun enters your sign from today for a four week stay, it brings inspired thoughts and ideas with it that you may be keen to start working on. As today is also the Winter Equinox, it is a pivotal time of year when the darkness gradually gives way to light. If you have been in the dark about an important issue or relationship, you will soon see the way and can act in confidence.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

While you may be in the festive spirit and enjoying the chance to spend time with close ones, there is a shift in focus from today. With the Sun easing into a more secluded sector for a four week stay, taking time out to consider your priorities and reflect on your plans can be so very helpful. Tie up loose ends and get your bearings, as soon enough the New Year will be upon you.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Your social commitments can be very grounding and look set to keep you busy over coming days and months. Try not to get so absorbed that you forget about your own dreams though. If an opportunity shows up that fills you with excitement, which is very possible over the coming week or so, don't feel guilty for wanting to go ahead, as it could be so worthwhile.