The Moon in Virgo forges a harmonious aspect with Saturn in Capricorn, encouraging us to think along more practical lines.
If we have responsibilities to take care these may be the first thing we attend to before turning to anything else. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 21st August 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 21st August 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Even though progress has been made in key areas, there may be one issue where you feel stuck. This is down to fiery Mars making a lingering angle to Pluto, but also drawing closer to an edgy tie with Saturn. If you are having difficulties with a boss, manager or other authority figure, tension can build. Be patient, as soon enough the way could open up for a breakthrough Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Deep down you may sense that something needs to change for you to move forward, and over coming days you can realize exactly why you have hit a brick wall. Old attitudes and approaches are to the fore, but if you have some attachment to them, it could be hard to let go Taurus. These are the ceiling that you need to move beyond to begin to blossom and soar.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Letting go of anything is never an easy choice, but the current star map suggests you could benefit from doing so. You may be holding something close, and yet be keen to release it. Any attachment to it might hold you back though. Even so, something could occur that pushes you to drop it. Without it, you will feel freer, more contented and ready for a fresh start.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If someone is causing you to feel unsure of yourself Cancer, then it may be because you feel you can't be yourself in their company. This might leave you yearning for time and space when you can be. The coming week or so will pave the way for you to do something about this. If you've kept putting off a much-needed discussion, it may be time to firmly suggest a time for a chat.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
An edgy aspect with Saturn could leave you prone to fears, which may have no real substance, and leave you feeling under par. If work or lifestyle issues are getting to you, know that by addressing the most pressing matter, a shift can occur. Don't try to force this though Leo, instead wait until later next week, as whatever is bothering you might show signs of resolving itself.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Choose your company wisely, as there are some people who it may be a pleasure to be around and others who might leave you feeling quite uncomfortable. Perhaps there is a reason for this, and if so, the coming days likely aren't the best time to sort it out, as any issues could intensify. Keen to find a solution? Uplifting friends can help you see this from a more rounded perspective.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Don't allow guilty feelings to push you to do something you don't really want to do. With feisty Mars angling towards Saturn, you may feel it is your duty regardless of the difficulties and inconvenience involved. What are you real feelings about this Libra? With Venus in a public zone, getting them out in the open could signal to others that you won't be taken advantage of.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You may be worried about something you've said, especially if it concerns someone you see regularly. Your fears could be groundless though Scorpio, and you might be blowing things out of proportion. With tense aspects continuing and ethereal Neptune linking to Pluto, it can be so much easier to imagine the worst-case scenario, but it is best not to. A positive outlook may help.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With some intense activity involving your finances, it can seem you are walking a tight line when it comes to cashflow. Yet a side of you may be interested in letting off steam and enjoying life, even if you aren't quite where you would like to be moneywise. It might be wise to find a balance so that you aren't in conflict over this, and instead take actions that lead to progress.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
No matter how certain you are of your plans, others may put forward arguments as to why you shouldn't go ahead, and this could be disheartening. It can seem like you are trying to push a barrel uphill, and you might wonder if it's worth the effort. If there is no urgency, your horoscope suggests you may be better to bide your time Capricorn, as later next week things will be easier in this regard.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The Libra Moon in your sector of far horizons, could inspire you to adopt a philosophical approach to an issue that you may not be able to influence in any other way. If you are in a situation that seems at a standstill, this might be all you can do. Try not to fret Aquarius, as this is a temporary phase. Still, time can seem to go slowly, and great patience needed for now.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Your patience and flexibility may be tested over coming days, especially when it comes to your relationship with certain friends or a social group. You might feel you're being pushed into things that you don't want to be involved with. Other activities could be a delight, and perhaps it's these that you should focus on. If they leave you feeling good, that is all that matters Pisces.