As articulate Mercury aligns with dreamy Neptune we may have some fascinating insights into others which could improve our relationships.
We may find inspiration in nature, so a walk could leave us soothed and uplifted. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 1st January 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 1st January 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Although Mercury sits solidly in Capricorn it casts a glance at Neptune, so a yearning for something different could show up. Yet there's a chance that if you did get it, it may not bring the satisfaction you'd hoped for. You might be looking for something that promises a fresh start, in which case, reflection can help. As the New Year gets underway, things will click into place.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A key influence can see you ready to enjoy time with close ones. As the New Year kicks off, you might get calls from family or friends who live faraway, and who you may be missing. A chat could leave you feeling much more buoyant. Is a romance on the cards, Taurus? Consider keeping it to yourself for a little while yet, and see how things pan out before sharing any intimate details.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The present backdrop with its focus on a more nebulous sector, might have you believe that anything is possible, particularly when it comes to realizing a goal or ambition. However, your horoscope reveals you have limits like everyone else, so it's best not to set your sights too high. If you plan carefully and pay special attention to what matters most, the coming weeks suggest you'll do fine, Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If your intuition tells you to check the time of a New Year's get-together, then you would be wise to do so. With Mercury linking to hazy Neptune, affirming the details could save you from an embarrassing situation. While your perceptions are usually spot on, the present set-up can coincide with mixed messages. If this involves a budding romance, it's even more crucial.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Has life proved frustrating? If so, there may be certain feelings that you need to get out of your system. One way can be to involve yourself in any physical activity that enables you to get your body moving. This could be a walk or a vigorous workout. As the New Year begins, you'll realize that to succeed you need other people, and that working alongside them will help you.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
No matter how busy you are with responsibilities or plans, a tie involving dreamy Neptune suggests you may feel like getting away from your everyday environment, even if only for a short spell. Perhaps a spur-of-the-moment trip can shake off the vibes of the old year and leave you feeling refreshed, energized and ready for the new, particularly if you take someone else along.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may feel justified in bending the truth to hide your real feelings. However, today's line-up suggests you could be at the point where an issue needs to be resolved once and for all. Being as truthful as possible can be your best option, especially if you will be seeing this person a lot. A non-nonsense approach might inspire a shift that benefits both of you, as 2021 gets underway.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The planetary backdrop hints at delightful opportunities for a happy day out. Setting off without a plan could work a treat, and you might relish not knowing where you will end up. A New Year's meal may be very enjoyable, but so can an impromptu get-together. If someone promises you something Scorpio, it could take time to materialize unless you remind them.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Expect the unexpected on this New Year's Day, as an edgy angle could see plans taking a new turn. With a nebulous Neptune aspect on the cards, there is potential for muddles. Take things as they come and do your best to let others know about any changes. Excited about a project? The coming weeks can see it taking off and starting to do wonderfully well, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
It may be wise not to believe everything you hear over coming days, even if it's from an expert. Mercury's alignment with ethereal Neptune can coincide with misunderstandings, so whatever someone tells you, check for yourself that it's true. The same applies if you have a fun plan to start the New Year in style. Be sure others get the message, otherwise it could be a no show.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Are you hesitant about taking action? It's not surprising, given that Saturn in your sign encourages a cautious approach. You would probably prefer it if you knew the outcome of something in advance. Would it really help, though? If you are overly concerned about how a plan will shape up, you might miss an opportunity that could assist you with getting it done.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
As the New Year begins, you may have your resolutions already decided, and be ready to make a start on them. Leave it for today though Pisces, as friends might have plans that involve being a tad indulgent. Enjoy getting 2021 off to a great start in good company, and begin next week when Mars's movement into a more grounded sign might help you stay on track with important goals.