As the Aquarius Moon angles towards Mars in Scorpio, we can wonder whether we should detach from a key issue, or go deep into it.
However, we may find that by compromising, both approaches can work together to help us make the right decisions. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 19th January 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 19th January 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
As the Moon glides into Pisces, it can enhance the influence of the lively Mercury's harmonious connection to the visionary Neptune. You may find yourself in a dreamy mood and perhaps more open to picking up impressions from others. However, you could use this to your advantage Aries, as it might give you insights into how to deal with a specific issue or accomplish a task. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With the Sun entering you sector of goals and responsibility over the coming twenty-four hours, the weeks ahead can encourage your ambitious side. And this can relate to smaller more personal hopes or to career or business ideas. You may relish the chance to be in the spotlight and to make the most of this time to showcase your skills, as well as connect with those who have influence.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The cosmos encourages you to do something different today, especially if you are ready to enjoy a sociable evening with friends. This may be the time you decide to try a new restaurant, go see the latest movie or take in a cultural event of your choice. On another note, it can though help to leave important decisions for a few days allowing you to clarify any issues that may feel muddled.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
As inquisitive Mercury in your sector of relating aligns with the mesmeric Neptune in your travel and adventure zone, you may feel in the mood to escape from everyday routines, even if only for a short while. Today and the coming days, can be the ideal time to do so, and if there is a movie or show that can uplift or inspire you, then viewing it now could gift you with healing insights.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
An imaginative idea could allow you to resolve an issue or adapt a plan so that the outcome is better than expected. Stay tuned over coming days as an intuitive nudge, a dream or a vision can lead you in a positive new direction. You'll still need to research the details Leo, but you may feel so much more upbeat about the possibilities open to you, that your enthusiasm can peak.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
It may seem you know what someone is thinking or how they might respond to a request. With communicative Mercury your guide planet, linking to ethereal Neptune in your sector of relating, it is also possible that you could feel familiar with someone, even though you may only have just met. Yet your horoscope hints that fate could be at work Virgo, bringing you together for a reason.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If you enjoy arts and crafts, then the coming weeks can see you becoming interested in honing your skills and creating something quite beautiful. This may be the result of a desire to make your home feel cozier and more inviting, by adding your own personal touch to certain areas. You never know what might result from this, as someone may pay you to do the same for them.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
First impressions can count for a lot as you may find out Scorpio, if you are out socializing and generally enjoying life. One encounter can have a particularly positive effect on you in a subtle way. You may not be able to say exactly what it is about this person that attracts you, but you may feel very comfortable in their presence and perhaps more willing to share your thoughts.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Your home can be a place of healing over coming days, as soothing influences may encourage discussion and a chance to listen to what others have to say. If there are important conversations to be held, then this can be a good time to initiate them, while also adopting a sensitive approach to whatever is being discussed. Wait a few days before making key decisions though Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
As the Sun eases into your personal money zone over the coming twenty-four hours, this can be an opportunity to take stock and consider how you might improve your financial situation going forward. However, the Sun's presence here can also strike a positive note and may leave you feeling more confident about the potential for positive developments, should they be necessary.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If you are ready to bring a dream of yours to life, powerful forces continue to encourage you forward. If you follow your instincts concerning matters of timing and other details, then you likely won't go far wrong. However, you may find that your vitality increases and that things get easier over coming days as the Sun enters your sign, enhancing both confidence and clarity.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may get along with someone and find that they perfectly complement your thoughts and feelings. If this is the case, then the coming days can be an opportunity to collaborate on a project or plan knowing that together you have a good chance of succeeding. Your far sighted and imaginative ideas can inspire them, while their practical perspective can support you too Pisces.