Today's Full Moon in Libra can heighten emotions and can may bring issues to the surface if there is something to discuss.
In the main though, we will strive for a compromise and be ready to negotiate rather then push for things to go our way. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 19th April 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 19th April 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Today's Full Moon in your sector of relating, may emphasize your feelings, especially any that have been pushed under the proverbial carpet. If you can discuss them, it might help smooth over any issues. Along with this, an edgier tie later in the day, could encourage you to make an impulsive purchase. It might seem vital that you have it at the time, but it could lose its sparkle fast.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A powerful lunar phase today occurs at the cusp of your wellness zone, and could spotlight something that you have been meaning to give up for a while. If it is about relinquishing a certain foodstuff and substituting it for something healthier, this can be a good time to make that commitment. You may find that with determination to persist, the old habit quickly drops away.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
With a bubbly influence on the astral cards, leisure and social events, such as a celebration, outings or other occasions, can be a lot of fun. Feelings may be very much to the fore though, which can lead to squabbles over awkward matters. There is the potential for a lot of laughter and romance as well, which can take the edge off more involved issues and which your horoscope suggests might act as a restorative too.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
A lively Full Moon in your domestic zone, puts the spotlight on the home environment and might see you seeking some quiet time in which to unwind. Will this be possible? If there are any family dramas brewing, chances are that they could come to a head today. A heart-to-heart concerning such matters could help diffuse tensions and allow you and others to feel better.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Feelings can fluctuate over today, so extra care may be needed when discussing delicate issues Leo. You may discover that you are far more emotional about a matter than you thought, and this can show in your conversation about it and the decisions you make. Because of the chance that you could overreact, it may be wise to wait a few days, as this can allow for wiser choices.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Emotional issues could be the reason you feel like going on a spending spree, as today's Full Moon could trigger deeper feelings around such matters, Virgo. Are you happy with the way things are going? If not, this can be the time to acknowledge any key issues and to consider what you want to do about them. Meeting for a chat with a good friend could prove a helpful option.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The Full Moon might mean you experience a range of emotions over the next day or so, and these can influence your relationships. However, a lunar tie to restless Uranus, might also unsettle you unless you channel that energy into exercise or a good walk. Overall, you might find that simplifying your agenda allows you to tackle any unexpected issues that arise Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Today's lunation can inspire you to take some time out for yourself to relax and recharge Scorpio. It takes place in a secluded zone, and so you might find yourself naturally withdrawing from life for a few minutes at a time to reflect and recharge. Even so, it is possible that you may be given unexpected tasks or be asked to help in other ways, so be prepared for some disruption too.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Lunar energies influencing your social sector can add a buoyancy to coming days, especially if you are going out and are ready to enjoy yourself. From tomorrow though, the focus on your lifestyle and wellness sector intensifies, with a lively influence inspiring you to take more walks in nature or to find a friend who might support you on your workout or dieting adventures.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
A Full Moon in your sector of personal goals, can encourage you to make your feelings known. If this encourages useful discussion and leaves you more at ease, then so much the better. It may be that this will stir things up, but if it inspires a solution you may feel even more relief. Plus, an unexpected invite might prove delightful as an encounter could lead to an intriguing friendship.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The present lunar phase in your sector of adventure can shed light on a desire or an opportunity that may be important for the future. You may find that your feelings are leading you in a certain direction, and if so, then it may be wise to take notice. And although you might wonder if you have what it takes to do something so very different, the cosmic backdrop seems fairly supportive.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Feelings can run deep over the next day or so Pisces, and could leave you feeling a tad overwhelmed. If you can put some simple steps into action now, it might make life easier. If there is an issue that you know needs your attention, then it's best not to leave it until tomorrow when it can seem to tower over you. Doing what you can to handle it today could leave you feeling easier.