Horoscopes Friday 18th October 2019

The Moon in Gemini opposes confident Jupiter in Sagittarius which can make for a buoyant and busy day.

We may be intrigued by encounters and eager to embrace ideas that expand our knowledge and potential. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 18th October 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 18th October 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

While there are light-hearted energies showing up that encourage socializing and liaising with friends, colleagues and close ones, there are also more business-like strands in the mix. These can see you working hard on a plan, eager to make decisions and very much attending to your career or business responsibilities. If you have a result in mind, you'll be keen to make it happen Aries. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With sociable Venus and talkative Mercury in passionate Scorpio, your interactions with others may be intense. The coming days are even more focused, and could see you making important decisions that might impact your future. While there are many reasons for getting out and about, one exciting opportunity could demand your utmost concentration. Are you ready Taurus?

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With the weekend almost upon you, an upbeat Moon/Jupiter angle can boost your mood and bring optimistic strands into the equation. Have an important discussion on the go? Don't let it slide Gemini as you may stand to gain, and what you agree could be long-term and lucrative. If an offer comes your way, don't leave it until next week. Show your eagerness and it can be yours.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Someone may seem rather formal and aloof, but could it be because they don't want to reveal their true feelings? As Venus and Saturn link, this can see them treading cautiously around matters of the heart, whereas a Mercury/Pluto tie could ramp-up the intensity, and this may show up in their body language, even if nothing is said. Interested in them too? It may be time to melt the ice.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Your ideas about what is good for you could clash with a desire to go out and have some fun, no matter what. If you have recently made a pact with yourself to eat more healthily, it could fall by the wayside when you're out and about enjoying yourself. Don't make this a reason to drop your good intentions. Instead, give yourself a little leeway and continue to reap the positive benefits.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

While it's good to keep your options open, the focus on Libra suggests that you may be wondering whether the cost of a plan is justified. Plus, the angst of what others might think about it could encourage you to water it down. Why should you though? If you are passionate about something, then let it show. You can always adjust the price, but there's no need to compromise.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Should you listen to someone's wise words or trust your instincts? The present focus on your sector of talk and thought, suggests that you may get plenty of advice over coming weeks, much of which is well meaning and intended to help. But will it really? You may also notice a growing feeling of confidence regarding a course of action that suggests it is the time to follow through

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As Mercury aligns with Pluto, this intense energy could fire up your instincts and make you aware that there may be a hidden agenda to what seems to be a fairly easy transaction. Therefore, it might be wise to read the small print and make sure that you aren't missing anything of importance. Your horoscope suggests that if it is worth committing to, then it is worth being thorough in this regard Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With a very lively focus on your social zone, you may find the coming three weeks to be quite memorable. Certain interests can be reignited, especially if you allow your curiosity to lead you into new social adventures. And even if you don't always feel at ease with certain people, their company can still lead to some fresh ideas and opportunities Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You could find yourself in the spotlight, yet this might be the last place you want to be. With Venus angling towards sobering Saturn, you might have an aversion to being in such a position even if it is good for your image and future progress. But with Mars powering through your sector of ambition now, you might have much to gain if you willingly showcase your skills.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

There are times when we can use any fears we have in a constructive way to offset potential difficulties, and this may be one of them. With Venus linking to Saturn, financial security can be an issue that you may want to give some thought to. Mind, with a penetrating and incisive Mercury tie on the go, there is a good chance that you will locate some helpful solutions.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The bright Gemini Moon can entice you to pamper yourself and enjoy a deserved treat. And why not? Relish a relaxing massage or spa treatment and you'll be ready for almost anything. On a social note, if you are attending a formal event, then you may get more out of it than you thought. Someone might make you an offer that not only sounds great, but that will stand up to scrutiny.