Horoscopes Friday 17th August 2018

As the Moon aligns with Jupiter and and forges a positive angle to Neptune, we could find creative or cultural activities very satisfying.

We might also be drawn to dwell on philosophical issues or find ourselves looking at the world through a more spiritual lens.  For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 17th August 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 17th August 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

It may seem that someone you know well is hiding something from you, but even if so, it may not be for the reasons you think. It may have more to do with wanting to surprise you when the time is right. Tempting though it might be to go looking for clues as to what it might be, it may be better to get on with other things. In coming days, you can relish any treat as it's revealed. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

It may be difficult to understand why someone is so attractive to you, but perhaps analyzing the situation is not the best way to deal with it. Over this weekend, dare to go with the flow and allow things to unfold as they do. Not only can this allow you to relish good company, but if things go well, you may want to repeat this and might even commit to seeing a lot more of each other.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You could find it easier to support others in their goals than it is to work towards your own. As the Moon spotlights a positive tie between positive Jupiter and compassionate Neptune, you might even be willing to make a sacrifice if someone would benefit. However, your horoscope hints this can also be a good time for dreaming your own dreams and getting clear on what you want to accomplish.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Go easy regarding money issues, as there might be so many things you could buy over coming days. With the Moon your ruler, making some dreamy ties, purchasing items or experiences as a way of escaping your everyday routine could be extremely tempting, even if requiring expenditure. With research, you may be able to enjoy yourself, and in a value for money way.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Someone may play a different astral card than expected, which may come as a surprise. However, this might be something to celebrate rather than to wonder about, as it could bring a new and exciting element into your relationship. Whoever this is, you may find that their new-found confidence in sharing a novel idea or showcasing a skill could open new doors for you too.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

This isn't the time to be persuaded to do something or go somewhere if you really don't feel like it. The Sun will enter your sign in just under a week Virgo, but until then enjoy some quiet time if you feel like it. You may though, find pleasure in the company of those who lift your spirits, and who seem to be a healing balm to any difficulties or uncomfortable issues you have.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Someone you know well may seem more perturbed than usual, and seemingly in need of some comfort. However, you may need to calm them down first and get them to relax. If they can review their issue from a more peaceful state, then it might not appear quite as daunting as it was. Inviting them for a coffee or a meal and talking things through quietly could prove key.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

No matter how much you think you should get done, your schedule might not unfold in the way you feel. Be prepared to be swept off course by fun invites and pleasure opportunities that may be so tempting you won't be able to resist. You may need to put off work for another day Scorpio. Nevertheless, this delightful chance to enjoy yourself should not be bypassed.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Despite there being a number of retrograde planets at present, a lovely tie between one of them, Mercury and the convivial Venus, suggests that this can be a good time to explore the potential in an idea. You might get the most benefit out of it if you share it, as someone else may be gripped by its potential and see you accomplishing much and enjoying the creative process too.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Friends can be excellent company and perfect for lifting your spirits and leaving you positively upbeat. Even so, if someone seems overly flattering or inclined to be rather too nice, then you might begin to wonder if they want something. You could always ask them outright why they are being so generous, and they may give you a straight answer. If they don't, go easy.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You may be holding someone influential in high regard. But just because they are in a position of authority doesn't necessarily mean that they're perfect. The current blend of aspects which includes generous Jupiter and ethereal Neptune, suggests that your feelings about them may be based on powerful emotions. Be realistic about their motives too Water Bearer.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Aspirations can be wonderful, but it is also a fact that not all materialize. This could be the case with one that may have started out on a positive note. If it seems to have stalled and if it is taking energy that you could usefully use elsewhere, then it may be an idea to let it go. In doing so Pisces, you give it the chance to be fulfilled when the time and conditions are right.