Horoscopes Friday 16th July 2021

The Moon in Aries forges a positive aspect with benevolent Jupiter, which can add a touch of positivity to the day ahead.

We will have a can-do approach to ideas and plans that might just tip the balance our way. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 16th July 2021 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 16th July 2021

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The present line-up may throw up a lot of questions about the deeper meaning of your life, encouraging you to take stock and consider whether you're on the right track or not. If you've been feeling a sense of discontent around your circumstances, then a period of reflection can be very welcome. Today, an inspired idea could set the ball rolling and give you hope, Aries.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Consider paying attention to any intuitive nudges, as they may gift you with insights into a personal issue you've been seeking to resolve for some time. Mind you, the coming week could help you understand the part you might have played in this, and what can be done to sort things out. Even so, if it's a social issue, perhaps the first step should be a heartfelt conversation.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may be animated by new ideas, which if implemented, could help you make progress with a desirable goal. You might feel an urge to experiment on your own, but it can be better to liaise with others or ask for help. Friends may be ready to advise you of any pitfalls, enabling you to move ahead with fewer issues. Seek clarity too, as an awkward Venus/Neptune tie can confuse.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Your overall sense of well-being and purpose in life, are in focus. The happier you are in your present situation, the more likely it is that you'll feel good in yourself. And yet, the present setup may alert you to the need for change. This can be nothing new, except that this time around you might be more determined to focus on making sure it truly happens in a way that works for you.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may have a lot on your plate, but with your current sunny outlook, you'll easily tackle any challenges. Keen to make a start so you can make as much progress as possible? An enthusiastic focus could see you going too fast though, and perhaps opening the way for one or two mistakes. A steady pace might get you there quickly and efficiently, and help you save face.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Whatever you have on over the days ahead, much of it may involve tying up loose ends and finding closure. Need to impress someone? The Moon's link with sobering Saturn, suggests dotting the i's and crossing the t's. Get everything organized, and you won't go far wrong. While you can be busy, don't neglect taking time out for yourself, as this could put things in perspective.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

A Venus/Neptune tie, suggests it can be easier to tell someone a little white lie so as not to hurt their feelings. Would this really help, though? It might not, Libra. The bigger picture encourages you to be honest, as this could clear the air and allow for positive discussion. Eventually, you may have to be open about your plans. A gentle conversation now can make it much easier.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If someone persuades you to sign up to a plan, you don't have to do it. You could be very, very tempted though, especially if they make it sound like a brilliant idea. If you find yourself teetering on the edge of getting involved, then listen to your instincts. Your horoscope reveals that there's a good chance the Sun/Pluto tie might encourage you to think about this some more, and to then decline their offer.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Certain relationships may seem like gold dust, while others are likely more casual. The bigger picture suggests someone who has been on the fringes of your social scene, might want to know you better. A sobering tie between the Moon and Saturn, suggests that a friendship could be very constructive for both of you. It might be slow starting, but a sense of purpose can soon develop.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If you've been holding back from discussing something difficult, but important, this may be the reason why certain tensions have been developing. Things can go through a positive shift though, if you decide to just do it. Broaching this matter might not be what you want to do, but it could be the only way to bring healing to an issue that has dragged on for too long, and is a drain on you.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

With Saturn in your sign, you may find it necessary to connect with those on your wavelength. And you might enjoy a greater camaraderie and a sense of community than you have in some time. A shared goal or ideal could be the foundation of a solid bond, in which you can learn much through fresh experiences. Today's line-up hints that you may be ready to take things further.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Sidestep complex plans and try to simplify your life as much as you can over coming days, as despite your best intentions, mistakes may be made. They might not necessarily be down to you, but could still get in the way of progress. And if friends seem rather pushy when it comes to helping them out, don't feel obliged to, as something more suited to you can be on the cards.

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