Today's Quarter Moon in Virgo suggests we may struggle to finish a task or project if we have something more entertaining coming up.
Still, if we make an effort to get it out of the way we can relax and enjoy ourselves. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 16th December 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 16th December 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Is a project about to be approved or completed? How do you feel about it? The Quarter Moon can put you on the spot, and inspire you to think about the consequences. If you feel good, then action over the coming days may lead to the next phase of growth. If you are keen to make a few tweaks, this is the moment to go ahead. And if you want to drop it, now is also the perfect time.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Eager to bring something to a conclusion, Taurus? The coming days can be crucial to sorting out those final details. Still, with hazy Neptune in the picture, avoid discussing matters with those who might interfere or confuse issues. You'll need your wits about you if you are to make a success of this. Have a brilliant idea? Someone seems keen to help you make it a reality.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
With the Sun encouraging you to accept invites and connect with those who inspire you, this is an excellent time to get out and about. And yet today's lunar angle suggests someone may advise you against a course of action. Should you listen? Examine the facts and take it from there. Plus, with Jupiter putting you in a buoyant mood, could you overlook someone's mistake, Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
It may be easier to grasp an opportunity than you think. But is it worth it? If you succeed, you might have a lot more to contend with in addition to your usual schedule. Mind, if you're really geared up for this, you'll find a way to do it. It's your motivation that counts, and if there's a big enough reward waiting, you'll easily succeed. Keen to get healthier? Now is the time, Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Determined to earn extra cash? You may be in a creative and playful mood, so you could find it hard to stick with a plan. The key is not to try too hard. Take some time out for those hobbies or interests you enjoy most Leo, and some clever ideas may show up when your mind is relaxed. Plus, Venus in your lifestyle zone can inspire a wellness routine that brings you into balance.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Is something you desire getting further away from you? It might be because you want it so much you're pushing it away. Try the opposite, by detaching from the outcome until you aren't bothered whether you get it or not. Not only will it be less exhausting, but it might arrive without you doing much at all. Have a decorative idea for the home? Discuss it with family first, Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Need to get your bearings, Libra? If so, it's worth taking some time out to think things over and get a sense of perspective, especially if you have new deals on the go or are seeking an agreement. Get clear on what you hope to accomplish, and you could do very well. If you sense something needs further adjustments then trust your instincts, as ignoring them could cost you.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Today's Quarter Moon can see you weighing up a situation, and wondering whether you should talk about it. There may be many reasons why you don't want to, though. It could touch on issues that leave you very vulnerable, and that you might be embarrassed to admit to. Even so, discussion can be a big release for you Scorpio, and may bring a healing solution in its wake.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Pleasure or no pleasure? With the Moon opposing sassy Jupiter, this can be one of those times when you really want something and yet feel you should hold back. Not an easy situation, and one that might leave you very frustrated, Archer. Your horoscope suggests you could opt for a halfway house though, and consider a more affordable treat that you'll enjoy without it costing the earth.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You may be faced with a choice about whether to step out into the unknown and take on a challenge, or to stick with the status quo. Eager for new adventures? It helps to clear the decks and tie up any loose ends first. Research new possibilities, and take steps regarding plans that interest you. Letting go of what no longer serves is an important part of the process too.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The desire to share your thoughts and let others know how you're doing, can conflict with the urge to stay quiet until you're sure it's all coming together. It's possible you may have a few reservations, and there is no harm in keeping some things to yourself. And yet it could be beneficial to reveal more about a key issue and get the support you so richly deserve, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You can be very persistent if you want to be, and your friends will notice this. Despite your reputation as a dreamer or perhaps because of it, you do know what you want and could put great energy into getting it. The Quarter Moon in Virgo might be a game changer, Pisces. Others may help you get the show on the road and chip in with advice. You can't help but succeed!