Dynamic Mars in Gemini squares off with Saturn in Pisces, which could find us frustrated that things aren't happening as fast as we would like.
This is not a time to hurry, but to slow down and make sure we have covered all the bases before we forge ahead. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 16th August 2024 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 16th August 2024
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Caught in a conflict between your drive to surge forward and a sense of being anchored in place. This challenge may seem too tangled to resolve with logic alone. Even so, holding back for long is not in your nature, especially with fresh opportunities within your grasp. Look to release your grip of the past. Shed old burdens and you'll find yourself lighter, happier and more open.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The people around you may be sceptical, but should their doubts alter your course? You could always use any criticism constructively to reassess your goals. Don't abandon your dreams. Instead, refine them. Question the likelihood of getting what you want. Is the scale too grand or the timing off? A more simplified approach might be the perfect solution for you at this point.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Facing a roadblock can be a clear signal to slow down. If challenges keep mounting, it might be wise to acknowledge them and revise your plans. Even so, with Mars' dynamic connection to Jupiter sparking your zest for new projects, you may find yourself tempted by an exciting opportunity. Give yourself a day or two to fully assess the situation before making any decisions.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
As Mars forms a sharp right angle with Saturn, its usual fiery drive may be quietened by its placement in a more secluded sector of your chart. This cosmic mix could cool your jets just when you're ready to sprint forward. This in turn might water down your resolve. Though your momentum can be halted, see this as a time to concentrate your efforts and solidify your intentions.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You seem to be treading cautiously in one aspect of your life, while spontaneously riding the waves in another. If you're grappling with a situation that's too restrictive, the urge to break free might feel overwhelming. And yet this won't last forever. For the moment, consider adopting a middle course. Your horoscope suggests this approach can help you manage the extremes without suffering any fallout.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Are you encountering resistance from someone rather stuck in their ways? If compromise seems like a distant dream, it may be wise to forge ahead independently. Even so, don't discount the power of persuasion. As Mars aligns with Jupiter, your conversational ability can thaw the ice in most situations. And this subtle shift could turn a stagnant situation into one ripe with opportunity.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Need a motivational boost? Choose your confidante wisely. The right pep talk can make all the difference as you face an upcoming challenge. One person might oversimplify your obstacles, while another could paint a picture so daunting you're tempted to give in so aim for a balance. The reality? Yes, it will be a tough climb, but you possess the grit and grace needed to conquer it.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A tense Mars/Saturn aspect reminds you to tread softly in your interactions, as someone close might be feeling sensitive. And whilst another energy could tempt you to unload your thoughts in a liberating rush of energy, consider a gentler approach. Channel your inner diplomat, as a little tact can go a long way, ensuring your message is received in the spirit you intend.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Navigating a sea of intense emotions and thoughts, which could complicate your straightforward style? While you're clear about what you want to express, a barrier may hold you back from being completely honest. Sometimes though, the truth is the only path forward. Being forthright might not only relieve the pressure you're feeling at this time, but also clear the air in a good way.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
As fiery Mars forms a challenging angle with prudent Saturn, you might feel like you're climbing a steep hill in your efforts to wrap up a project. This struggle could persist for a few more days, and the harder you push, the more resistance you can encounter. Instead of depleting your energy in a battle of wills, consider stepping back. It will allow everything to come together more easily.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You might be prone to restlessness – if things aren't going according to plan. Instead of stewing in frustration, consider redirecting your energy physically. Whether it's a gentle stroll or an invigorating workout, moving your body can dramatically shift your mindset. Once you've expelled some of that pent-up energy, you'll likely find it easier to focus on the tasks at hand.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Dealing with a persistent issue that might involve family dynamics or property concerns? It may feel like you've reached a standstill, leaving you filled with uncertainty. A lively blend of energies empowers you to tap into your inner resources and uncover innovative solutions that may have eluded you before. You can sort this out to your satisfaction, just believe in yourself.