Horoscopes Friday 14th October 2016

As Mercury, the planet of communcation, links with the cautious qualities of Saturn we may find we have more stamina for work that requires focus and concentration.

This can also be an excellent aspect for planning and for negotiating terms, as we'll likely be guided by the facts rather than unrealistic ideas. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 14th October 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 14th October 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The coming week may bring a more intense, yet disruptive quality to events that could make it difficult to get ahead with plans or even routine tasks. You might feel more restlessness as a result of the Sun moving to oppose Uranus in your sign, which can see you keen to liberate yourself from anything too restrictive. Will this see you rebel in a major way? {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

It can help to take a close look at any plans that need to be completed and to simplify them as much as you possibly can. The reason for this Taurus, is that coming days could see certain situations intensifying and delaying might just complicate things further. Others could also pull out of meetings or appointments at the last minute too, but forewarned is forearmed.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

What seems like a difference of opinion could turn into something more if steps are not taken to sort the issue pronto. With your guide planet Mercury in conflict with forceful Mars, you could find a situation or a loved one trying, but with the former also clashing with the planet of power Pluto, what's said in a split second will not be easily taken back, so be cautious.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With a number of crosscurrents showing up over coming days you may find that a philosophical approach can go some way to helping you navigate any tricky situations you might encounter. Maintaining your cool may not be easy, as emotions can absolutely erupt today and for some days to come, and especially where you feel defensive or are unbending.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Your horoscope reveals that Mercury's tie to Saturn can make this a good time to plan a creative project so that it can proceed at the right pace. On another note, you might find that a relationship with a friend or love interest is showing signs of strengthening the more you get to talk to each other. However, there is a lot of nervous energy pulsating around the heavens too. Try to relax.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

No matter how determined one part of you might be to keep your finances in check, current influences suggest that another side of your nature can be in the mood to splurge, even if you know you shouldn't. If your will power around finances remains intact, you may find that one person tempts you more. If so, this could be a very sensual encounter indeed!

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Your more peaceful loving side may need to be reassessed in the light of developing conversations, some of which could take you by surprise. Now and over the weekend things could take a new turn that plunges you into turbulent waters. No matter how you try to rise above certain emotions or family issues you may have to dive in and confront the riptide, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The desire to take time out to relax and recharge can be a good one, but might not be as easy to accomplish as you might imagine. Certain people could become quite demanding, even if they mean well, but some may demand that you accommodate their needs. This can make you defensive, especially if they nitpick some elements of your nature too.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Pleasant influences in your social zone hint that there's more chance of enjoying new friendships and good times. However, over this weekend and the coming week, situations may develop and plans might have to be remade or even abandoned. You can also become more conscious of where your base values do not mesh as well with some of the people you are with.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

A positive connection between Mercury and Saturn could help you order your thoughts, but with Saturn continuing in your psychological sector, stay tuned to your instincts too. This is also a time when you may find yourself with a surfeit of drive and energy. Finding a constructive outlet for this will be essential, and you'll probably need to have your voice heard more.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You may find it more difficult to communicate your brilliant ideas to someone more conventional. Try to understand where they stand, and tailor your ideas to this. Some very profound emotions that have been buried deep inside you for years could also be sparked by anyone's perceived unfairness. However, this is also an excellent time to release old tensions.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With the Moon in your sign making a heart-warming tie to Venus in your sector of far horizons, you may find an encounter particularly enriching and, especially if the person in question has travelled far afield or has had other experiences you find riveting. All this can make you think more seriously about your long term future, and some of your hopes and wishes.