With dynamic Mars opposing cautious Saturn we may find it difficult to make any progress, and could run into obstacles.
It's best not to force the pace as this could make things worse, but to stay calm and go with the flow. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 14th June 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 14th June 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Don't let those with all the power in a key situation pressure you unnecessarily Aries. The discerning Moon in Scorpio, can make you very aware of their motives. And they are likely more about how they can benefit and not much to do with how you might feel. Adopting a philosophical approach could be a wise option if it allows you to handle this in an unruffled way.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Interesting information may come to light, as a dreamy aspect suggests someone could say more than they intended. This may be of great interest if it involves a topic you are keen to find out more about. Best not to let this go any further, as with hazy Neptune in the mix, the original message could become embellished and change out of all recognition to what it originally was.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The Sun and Venus in your sign, can give you extra sparkle and vitality, which may be needed over coming days. If there is a matter that is weighing on you Gemini, then confiding in others might help. The thing is not to be too hard on yourself, as this is something that can be resolved. Your horoscope suggests that once you have a plan in place, you'll feel much better, so consider making this a priority.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
There may be a lesson to be learned concerning your relationship with someone if they appear to have the upper hand. It may be that you have played things down so as not to cause any problems. This might have the opposite effect though. And although it won't be easy to change overnight, it is time to be who you are meant to be Cancer, no matter what this might entail.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With the Moon in Scorpio and your domestic zone forging positive angles to a secluded sector, you might not feel like venturing very far today. This might afford you a chance to get your bearings if you have been immersed in an issue or project that seems to be becoming more difficult the more effort you put in. A chance to reflect might make easier work of this Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
No matter how many issues seem to depend on others, you are still captain of your ship and your destiny is very much in your hands. And yet, you may feel that regarding a plan or relationship, things aren't going as you want them to and may even be heading in the opposite direction. Run with this for now Virgo. As a river loops back on itself, things will eventually straighten out.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If regret over an issue from the past is dominating your thoughts, it may be time to look at this further so you can let it go Libra. One reason you feel like this, may be because you can tend to be sensitive to other people's feelings and dislike causing upset, even if it is unavoidable. Dwelling on the ins and outs likely won't help, but putting it behind you could be healing.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If someone is refusing to budge, then it may take your ability to see beneath the surface to get things moving again. With lunar ties positively linking to an awkward aspect, something may become obvious to you, even if it isn't to a friend. Trust your instincts on this Scorpio, as what you do or say now could get things moving, even if it takes a while to get through to them.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Certain issues may seem serious, but dwelling on them too much over the coming days likely won't help. There are two ways to handle such matters. One is to keep turning them over in your mind, which might make you more anxious, the other is to do something constructive, even if it is to seek out advice. The first can drain energy and the second might restore a sense of peace.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The decisions you make concerning a key relationship could have an impact for some time to come, which is why you'll need to choose wisely. Whatever seems to be happening now could leave you wondering how things will progress from here. Communication may be key, and even if it is difficult to be as open as you would like, it is worth making an effort Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Energy and enthusiasm may produce positive results when it comes to your social life and the chance to enjoy yourself. If you have been meaning to host an event, whether a small get-together or something bigger, it could go down very well. When it comes to a more urgent matter though, the harder you push, the less headway you might make. In this case, slow and steady can be best.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
It may be wise not to impose any ultimatums or demands on certain friends who may be feeling a little fragile at this time. If they have been rather tetchy lately, then things might not get any easier over coming days. Give them space and offer sympathy if they ask for it. Otherwise, it's a good time to indulge activities that bring you pleasure and that will recharge your batteries.